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My first official article for the new employer!

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  • My first official article for the new employer!

    ....and it's about a holiday I won't be celebrating!

    Anyway, it's still pretty cool- I've written a lot for their site but it's always gone in my blog and sometimes on external sites, so this marks the first time I've actually had an article on the official portion of the site:

    10 Tips for an Accessible, Romantic Valentine's Date

    Just thought I'd share my ability to BS about a holiday I don't even like

    Fair Warning: I work for the site. I don't get paid based on if you click that or not, but it's a Google Analytics link so I can see if you do, to satisfy my own curiousity and because I am proud that I know how to make them now No different from any other link except I can see how many visits the page got and from where.
    My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

    Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.

  • #2
    so.... clicking on the heart to set it to 8 is good yes?

