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12-year-old boy kills mother's attacker

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  • 12-year-old boy kills mother's attacker
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

  • #2
    Wow....he saved his Mother from being killed by someone who went off the deppend and they want to press charges against him? What was he supposed to nothing and then maybe end up dead to?


    • #3
      I would dismiss it as defense. No, it's not self-defense, but what would any of us have done in his position? Ah yes, and get the poor kid a therapist, too.
      The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


      • #4
        I'm gonna agree with the view that it's defense of third parties case. It's just fortunate that his state has such a law. Any state that doesn't have a law regarding the defense of those who can't defend themselves belongs out of the Union until they get one.

        Example: Violent Guy attacks Man A, who's getting a little old and walks with a cane, with intent to kill Man A. Man B, who's the son of Man A, tells Violent Guy to back off, to no effect. Man B attacks Violent Guy, stopping the attack on Man B but incidentally killing Violent Guy.

        Anyone that can't see this as 100% reasonable is out of line, or just an idiot.

        The only case against the boy that could be brought up is "escalation" because he used a knife against the (apparently-unarmed) man. This, at least in one-on-one fights, can be held against the escalating party.

        As a general rule:
        No Weapon < "Non-weapon" Weapon < Blunt Weapon < Bladed Weapon < Firearm < Explosive Weapon
        ("Non-weapon" means something found in the area like a broomstick or similar object. Also, Blunt and Bladed weapons can be switched, in many cases.)
        And the person using the "highest" weapon is considered to be the escalating party. If two weapons of the same level are used, whomever attacks first is the escalating party. (It used to be that in a gunfight, you had to wait until the other person shot at you before you could legally shoot at them "in self defense". Most states with that law have appended it to make exceptions if the attacker is on your property or in some other situations, since obviously waiting for them to shoot you before you shoot them is pretty stupid and victims were getting screwed by the law.)

        However, since the boy is 12, he probably won't be charged as an adult regardless of the prickitude of the local officials. Unless all of those officials feel like unanimously losing their re-election bids and becoming the most despised people in the area.
        "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


        • #5
          Here is more detailed description of what happened. If this kid is charged I will be beyond pissed.


          • #6
            That is bull if he does get charged. I would have done the samething in a heartbeat
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #7
              In Florida he wouldn't be charged. They've already ruled in favor of people who have used lethal force to defend themselves and/or their home.

              The family could file charges but it would never make it to court.
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                "Cpl. Diane Richardson, a spokeswoman for Prince George's County police, said Wednesday that authorities hadn't decided whether the boy would be charged with anything."

                Are you fucking JOKING me? They're even CONSIDERING charging him??? Seriously?

                What, it's reached the point where murderers and rapists now should be able to expect to be able to rape and kill unmolested and unharmed? The boy was expected to sit quietly while this fucker murdered his mother in front of him?

                Is this fucking SERIOUS?


                • #9
                  If someone had been doing that to my mother, I would've done the same thing that boy did. Any decent person would. Why is this even an issue?

                  This is a seriously fubared world we live in, where we can't defend our loved ones against violent attackers without getting charges pressed against us.

                  Did you read the comments? Half the ones I've read so far are saying the boy deserves a medal.
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #10
                    If that had been someone after my mother, they'd have been lucky if I had just been nice enough to slit their throat. And I would certainly not be the bigger person like this kid and feel bad about it.

                    I'm not against the cops considering arrest. They've got all the evidence to look at, we have what's been released by the media. If they have something that does point to a foul play, they should act on that. I know the mention that the kid is 5'6" and 175 lbs. could mean something, as that's the same size I am and I know I would be capable of mauling someone unprovoked. Unlike CSI, it can take days or weeks to go through all the evidence even on what appears to be a cut-and-dry case.

                    HOWEVER...if things really are what they appear to be, I can't imagine they'll actually go through with prosecution. But we shall see.

                    Overall, though, the kid's gonna need some help from somewhere. I know I still feel bad just about putting some guy into the hospital when I was younger, let alone the feelings that would come with actually taking a life, self-defense or no.
                    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                    • #11
                      I don't know that they will have a prosecution, but they are bound by law to investigate. I'd hate them not to and have killers with a good tale to tell get away with it.

                      From what I'd read, though, I'd pay for this lad's medal.



                      • #12
                        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                        They're even CONSIDERING charging him??? Seriously?
                        Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                        I'm not against the cops considering arrest. They've got all the evidence to look at, we have what's been released by the media. If they have something that does point to a foul play, they should act on that.
                        Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                        I don't know that they will have a prosecution, but they are bound by law to investigate. I'd hate them not to and have killers with a good tale to tell get away with it.
                        I can, right now, think of about 3 different ways this could have happened differently than the basic story given in the paper, and in 2 of them, the kid is actually the most guilty party.

                        I don't have anything against the police investigating. They have to rule out things being set up to look like a third party defense case.

                        From the articles about the incident, it appears that the truth is as has been stated.

                        I wonder if the man that died suffered from dementia or something similar.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

