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This just in! Men create more housework for their wives/women!

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  • #16
    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
    I'd take some dried oreganno and sprinkle in on the floor. He'd see it, decide the floor was dirty enough, and grab the broom. :
    I could never try this my ex's family would come over and probably try and smoke it. I just want to know who wasted money on this research! So stupid! I got a research topic for them to throw money at. Lets see the result of throwing all that money in Iviles's bankaccount for a year!


    • #17
      We have a dishwasher - that TTO bought. So RIGHT THERE, he's saved me about 4 hours a week of work. He also cooks twice a week and does the vaccuuming. Sorted. Everyone's happy, and quite honestly, I spend about 2 hours a week cleaning the house. But it's small
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #18
        Oh my.

        This thread makes me cry.

        I *love* to clean. I never used to, but in the last couple of years I've been busting my ass to keep things tidy and frankly, it doesn't even feel like work anymore. I actually enjoy cleaning! (Well, everything except folding and putting away laundry, that is. Good thing Mr. Mintz doesn't mind, LOL)

        One of my favorite shows is How Clean is Your House, and Kim Woodburn is my personal hero. I have copies of both of the HCiYH books in hardback, and as a joke my mum even made me a couple of pairs of froofy rubber gloves like the ones on the show. My mum, she rules.

        I guess I'm just lucky, my husband is really good about helping me with the chores. I just can't sit down and relax while things are all stanky and gross- I don't even like going to sleep when there's a basket of laundry to be washed. Poor guy, I'm so neurotic!

        And RK- AWESOME. I'd love to hear more of your tricks, if you've got em. Mr. Mintz is a good sport, but he still complains a *little* bit at chore time...
        "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


        • #19
          Quoth JuniorMintz View Post
          I *love* to clean. I never used to, but in the last couple of years I've been busting my ass to keep things tidy and frankly, it doesn't even feel like work anymore. I actually enjoy cleaning!
          Oh good! Its not just me then.

          I enjoy cleaning so much that I don't allow my husband to do anything. I find the whole process of cleaning to be very Zen.

          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


          • #20
            I am a slob when it comes to my own home. I just hate housework and cleaning.

            At work, I am Obsessive Cleaning Woman, because I hate working in clutter, but, as GK can attest from when she stayed here on the way to our ski trip, my own bedroom is a big old festival of clutter.

            My husband is the cleaner in our home.
            That study wouldn't hold up around here.
            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


            • #21
              Quoth JuniorMintz View Post
              One of my favorite shows is How Clean is Your House, and Kim Woodburn is my personal hero. I have copies of both of the HCiYH books in hardback, and as a joke my mum even made me a couple of pairs of froofy rubber gloves like the ones on the show.
              Oh, I adore that show. Mom loves the froofy gloves as well (one of these days I should figure out how to make her a pair).

              They have books out?! Must...get!

              The ex is filthy. I have never actually seen his place, but from what he's described it's on par with some of the worse HCiYH cases. His excuse: "Well, I think it's good to expose your body to stuff and build up immunity, you do too, right?" (um, when I say that I mean common minor everyday germs like colds and the like. Not the botulism, coliform, salmonella and supergerms you likely have festering in your place--no way anybody's becoming immune to that stuff). He lets mold grow in the fridge and coffeepot, FFS

              I'm not a neat-freak, but do try to keep things tidy (living in one room will do that).
              Last edited by Dreamstalker; 04-08-2008, 04:23 PM.
              "I am quite confident that I do exist."
              "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


              • #22
                Quoth Ree View Post
                At work, I am Obsessive Cleaning Woman, because I hate working in clutter, but, as GK can attest from when she stayed here on the way to our ski trip, my own bedroom is a big old festival of clutter.
                You know, I figured out who you meant, but my very first thought was, "Geek King? But isn't he a guy?" We've got a lot of "GK"s in this place.

                My former mother-in-law was a cleaner. But she cleaned so that she could be the "faithful little housewife" and act like the total martyr because she also held a full time job and her then-husband didn't. She never asked that he do any of the chores, but acted like he should be able to read her mind and know that since he wasn't working, he should be doing them for her. She drove me nuts.

                My mother was an indifferent housekeeper. There wasn't trash around, and she kept us in clean clothes (we got to fold our own), and the kitchen was tidy. Otherwise, she had better things to do than keep a house with smokers, several cats, a large dog, and two kids from getting cluttered.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #23
                  Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                  You know, I figured out who you meant, but my very first thought was, "Geek King? But isn't he a guy?" We've got a lot of "GK"s in this place.
                  Sorry about that. Yes, we do have a lot of "GK's", but I've been calling her GK for as long as I've known her, and since she's been a member, probably longer than any of the other "GK's", her title vouches for that "The Gatekeeper - The original GK"
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #24
                    I live alone. Every single woman who has ever been in my apartment has commented on how clean it is. Why is it so clean, you may ask? Because I learned a long time ago that it won't clean itself.

                    That being said, some of the slobbiest, grossest, leave your shit where ever you please roomies I've had have been female. The worst were male, but I've grumbled more than my fair share while cleaning up after internally-plumbed individuals.
                    I know nothing and I can prove it!


                    • #25
                      Lefe after marriage

                      There is a hilarious site about marriage Before And After Marriage

