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The Shannon Saga got ... wierder

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  • The Shannon Saga got ... wierder

    Imagine a nine-year-old girl who went missing. She's not as photogenic as Madeleine McCann, but there was a modest amount of publicity. The place where she went missing isn't that far from where I live - within about twenty miles or so.

    Why wasn't there a McCann-level of publicity? Well, I suspect part of the reason is that the family are chavs. The mother has loved several men, giving each of them a child or children (seven children by five fathers).

    Still, there was a certain amount of press.

    The local community pulled together and went out to help police with the search. Many of them gave up their time and money to help, and several businesses put up large rewards.

    The young lady, still nine-years of age, was found alive and well in the bottom of a divan bed at her stepfather's uncle's house. She went under a police protection order immediately.

    The stepfather was promptly charged with possessing indecent photographs of children, but at least the child's safe, now, right? for the latest.

    Her mother has been charged by the police with perverting the course of justice and child neglect. They're also investigating links between her and the fund raised to search for the child. for some other details.

    Damn, but that's getting worse and worse...


  • #2
    It is all very, very strange. Will be interesting to watch the trial unfold, especially if it is to do with a money aspect. (Times suggested that particular titbit)
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      I find it sad that people that would make great parents cant have children and yet these back words jerkoffs breed like rabbits. I just hope that the kids wont get lost in the system and maybe this will put forth action so it doesnt happen again. Trust me we have issues about this over here to. It seems that a certin minority of children are viewed on the reoprts while the majority you dont hear about until after they have been found and usally its not a happy ending.


      • #4
        Well, the courts have formally charged her with kidnapping and attempting to pervert the course of justice. The police have warned residents of the housing estate where they lived not to take the law into their own hands.

        Chavs - they eat their own young.

        Last edited by Rapscallion; 04-16-2008, 07:57 PM.

