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So, this is why I hear that Baltimore needs teachers

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  • So, this is why I hear that Baltimore needs teachers

    -----Interesting that nothing's being done. Soooooo, just suppose that the teacher's family members didn't take too kindly to nothing being done and then decided to catch this "girl" on the streets and beat the daylights out of her with baseball bats, would that mean that nothing would be done too??? Because "the system" just gave a green light to violence when it chose NOT to enforce the law in this case. I know for a fact that, if someone did THAT to someone in MY family that I was close to and that nothing was done, that would DEMAND retaliation in my eyes.

  • #2
    Hmm... I smell a hostile work environment lawsuit.....


    • #3
      Dude. That pisses me off so much. I'm studying to be a teacher and I hear all the time about school districts not protecting their teachers.

      I bet you that if the teacher tried to get away by fighting back, she would be facing a lawsuit. If I was the teacher, I would file a suit against the school and against the kid.

      We are told all the time, "don't touch the kids, don't touch the kids" but if that means we have to take a physical beating and no one is going to do anything, then I'd rather not teach at all.


      • #4
        I just watched a news clip from the Today Show, I think, and I'm left wondering why assault charges weren't filed. Why were the police not called?
        My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


        • #5
          OMG, I saw that video clip on ebaumsworld. It literally sickened me to my stomach. I really hope the teacher files a grievance re HWE. That principle needs to be taught a lesson!
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            The situation is not so rosy in Australia as well - I taught state and private, city, rural and Outback... then decided to leave the 'West' altogetehr and are now in Japan - loving it. As a teacher, I have never had this much respect from stuents, parents and colleagues


            • #7
              I'm wondering why the teacher didn't file a police report herself. If my boss didn't care that I was assulted I would flat out quit. This is what the students are going to learn. That this stuff is ok and funny.
              "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


              • #8
                If my daughter did THAT to a teacher I'd gladly drop her off at the police station myself! I'd feel disgraced.


                • #9
                  That teacher really should have gone straight to the police after the principal blew her off like that.

                  Go after the student, the student's parents (she's a minor, right?), the principal, the school board, and all the way up the chain. Leave no link untouched by this. There needs to be some serious upheaval until it becomes apparent to everybody that violence will not be tolerated.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    what really pissed me off about that story, I saw a few snippets of the segment when it made it on CNN, and there was a defense attorney on their (proving that all defense attorneys are the greatest scum of the planet, all damned to great hellfire and damnation) saying that if charges were pressed the kids had a very good defense in that they were provoked? seriously :wft: ,she told them to sit down and pay attention basically... if that scumbag lawyer actually believes that is grounds for the teacher to be assaulted then he's earned himself a special little corner of hell as far as I'm concerned
                    oh, and had I ever assaulted a teacher, i would be dropped off at the police station by my parents all right, they'd be dropping off my dead body and turning themselves in.
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

