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Barcode switcher caught

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  • Barcode switcher caught

    Some git was caught switching barcodes after a $700 coffee machine scanned at $30.

    On the TV it said the guy did it "to feed his family". They also said his caravan contained "at least 4 plasma TVs". Just how many TVs can one family eat?

  • #2
    Some guy did that at a bunch of Targets many years ago, I think it was some expensive Lego set. He managed to switch the bar codes of several Lego sets until he was caught. What an idiot.


    • #3
      Okay, his exucse for switching bar codes to buy expensive TV's,fishing rods and a $700 coffee machine is because he needs to feed his family?!!!

      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        Another story included the scammer saying "Big W makes too much money! Don't roll back your prices, roll back your profits!" in an attempt to justify his thievery. The way he tells it he was just getting stuff he needs at a price he can afford and the only victim is corporate greed. Never mind the facts that the $700 coffee maker cost more than $30 to make, or that he had multiples of the same luxury items.

        "Price Rollback" was a marketing thing at Big W, which I'm told is sort of like Wal-Mart. I call it Big Rubbish Heap because everything I've ever bought there has broken within a month. Anyway, the price roll back thing was where they reduced the prices on a few items and said they rolled them back to what they cost a few years ago (never mind that some of those rolled-back items didn't exist then) and implied that they did it to everything in the store.

