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Only YOU can stop the Wholesale Slaughter of Video Game Movies!

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  • Only YOU can stop the Wholesale Slaughter of Video Game Movies!

    I hate Uwe Boll.

    That statement is not enough to express my feelings, but its a start. The man has taken some perfectly viable licenses and made the shittiest movies out of them, and I hate him for it. Then he has to be a dick about it, and claim that he makes high art or something.

    It seems that recently a publication has started a petition to get him to retire. Normally, no big deal, but the slayer of innocent celuloid has said, when confronted about it, that he would retire from movie making if one million people signed it. Now, I don't belive him for a second, but I would love to see the video of him being forced to face that fact that so many people really DO think that he's a twittering fucktrumpet. As of my signing, the petition is already up over 178,000 signatories.

    Join me in telling him to get out of the director's chair, and stop ruining the chances that decent game-based cinema could be made. Every piss-poor film he makes is one more reason for a studio to not take the chance on a potentially good movie license.

    The petition to retire Uwe Boll:

    God, I hate him so very, very much.
    </Cartman off>
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.