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Australia's answer to Jack Thompson...

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  • Australia's answer to Jack Thompson... not Jack Thompson the actor but Michael Atkinson the South Australian attorney-general.,00.html

    His comments on TV the other night were worse, claiming that "if you question these kids [who steal cars], I'm sure you'll find they've played GTA" (of course he has no proof of that) and "[local gang] The Gang of 49 use nicknames they took from another game I've had banned" (then refusing to say which game or what those names are). And that if Australia had a R18+ rating for games "it would allow even worse games to fall into the hands of children".

  • #2
    Hey Hat... you've confused me with the bit about Jack Thompson......
    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


    • #3
      Jack Thompson is an outspoken anti-video-game spokes person who will throw himself in front of any camera he can find, especially after a tragedy, and blame video games for all the ills in the world and America. Whether he is correct or not.
      After one college shooting in (I believe) West Virgina, he called a press conference and touted how the gunman must have played first-person-shooter games and it made him crazy. Doctor Phil then took the bait and agreed with Mr Thompson. And neither were found for comment later when it came out that the student in question had no interest in video games at all, let alone FPS games. He makes up facts and has faced disbarment several times for defamation against several people.

      I first heard about him when I was reading Penny Arcade, whom he wrote a letter to threatening legal action, I forget why though. He's a crackpot and bible thumper (not saying religious people are bad, just don't like thumpers).

      Tons of info about him on wiki and the internet in general.
      "If you find yourself fantasizing about throwing actual users into a blender, please get help... they're heavy." - Tom Dickson


      • #4
        Quoth froglet View Post
        I first heard about him when I was reading Penny Arcade, whom he wrote a letter to threatening legal action, I forget why though.
        There have been many, most famously their donating money to charity in his name after he refused to follow through on his promise to do so if somebody made a game in which video game producers get killed.


        • #5
          Ah!! thanks for the clarification....

          And here I am thinking of...well - you know who......"Bloody Right mate!"
          When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


          • #6
            You never see these people arguing over games like:

            Monopoly, where the point is to get all of the money and force all your opponents outonto the streets and into bankruptcy.

            Chess where the point is to kill the king (and any other pieces that get in your way).

            Checkers which the point is to commit genocide by killing all of the red or black pieces.

            While they're at it they should also protect the book, "Alice in Wonderland" since it is an acid trip (and promotes drug use).

            Of course we can't forget about the Bible that has more death and destruction than any Hollywood action film today.
            Quote Dalesys:
            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


            • #7
              No politics, no religion. That's for Fratching. Thank you.
              Not all who wander are lost.


              • #8
                Quoth draggar View Post
                You never see these people arguing over games like:
                -In Snap the object is to take everything your opponent has.

                -Cluedo is about murder (and you might choke on the tiny tiny candlestick).

                -Trivial Pursuit where you win by being a bigger smart-arse than everyone else.

                -Mastermind where you have to crack the secret code.

                -Jenga which is a 9/11 simulator.

