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Judge Detains Courthouse Visitor Who Parked In His Spot

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  • Judge Detains Courthouse Visitor Who Parked In His Spot

    Now that's hilarious!

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein

  • #2
    That's awesome! And I don't buy the chick's excuse, if she was just giving her sister a ride, why did she have to park? Wouldn't she have just dropped the sis off with her loser b/f and left?

    Hopefully this EW learned her lesson.
    The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


    • #3
      i dunno, if she really thought it was reserved for people who were going to court i don't think that the judge should have done that. it wasn't like she was in the court room. you have to decide at what point the judge "loses" his power, what if he had been cut off in traffic, would he still have the power to detain someone? she didn't break any law, aside from parking in a reserve spot... which is what parking tickets are for.

      seems to me that there have been a lot of judges who are "disciplining" people who aren't even being tried in front of them. just a few weeks ago i read where a judge detained and ENTIRE row of people because someone's phone kept ringing. now, i agree that the person who's phone kept going off was unacceptable, and should have been held accountable, but to hold everyone for a few hours?? here's the link

      would the judge try and discipline someone who parked in their spot at home? it seems to me that there are more and more judges who are seeing themselves are "above the idiots" meaning, they think that just because they're judges they should get an extra level of respect. when i worked at the grocery store we had 2 judges that came in. one was awsome, very nice lady. she would tell us some funny stories from the day. the other, anytime he didn't get his way he would say "i'm a judge and you should help me first, because I'm so busy"

      i understand that it is a prestigous job, with a lot of responsibilities, but that doesn't mean you can just decide someone needs to be disciplined for being rude. if that were the case, courts wouldn't hear the trials of murderers, and other actual crimes


      • #4
        I bet she saw the word 'Reserved' and didn't bother to read further where it stated the Judge's name.

        Parking is astonishingly bad around the Pennington County Courthouse even with the new parking structure. Between the county workers and the students at NAU, which is across the street, there really are no parking spaces within a decent distance if you arrive after 1000. The few reserved parking spots are for cops, CPS and etc.
        Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

        I'm a case study.


        • #5
          That judge might of exceeded his authority BUT he could of had her car towed and she'd of had to pay $100+ to get it back(and no one could say boo about it either) ...of the two choices I'm betting she'd much rather sit in his court for a few hours

          BTW I don't buy her excuse either...if she was just dropping someone off she didn't need to park anywhere much less in the judge's spot


          • #6
            "There's two perks to the job," the judge said in court Monday. "I have my own bathroom, and I have my own parking spot, and you're not going to get to use either."

            Maybe the judge did overstep his boundaries, but that certainly doesn't excuse what she did. People have got to learn to start reading signs and understanding that yes, the sign applies to them, too.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              If the judge cannot park and ends up half-an-hour late starting, that's effectively a half-hour from everyone's life there. Imagine how much wasted payroll that is for the staffing of the place, and if there are jurors and witnesses aroudn whose time gets wasted.

              Sure, you can get another member of the security team, but it's going to be hard to run a case without a judge.

              I've been in a situation where my time was wasted by a defendant who was trying to get the case thrown out by wasting time. They eventually decided to try him in the absence of his prime witness regardless, at which point he promptly pleaded guilty.

              Slightly sore about the time wasted, so I have a somewhat skewed perspective.


