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Stupid dating tips

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  • Stupid dating tips

    You know, I can't believe this:

    This genius claims (#5) that it's a bad idea to be late because if a woman is kept waiting, she'll just keep changing outfits, so when the man does arrive, she'll be stuck between outfits and blame him for it.

    What - is she assuming that her personal experience applies to all women?

    I hope no men out there actually take this advice seriously.

  • #2
    When dating, people need to STOP with all the mind games & just be straight with one another. So if you like someone then tell them! Makes no sense to be all coy & shy about it.
    Life is too short & it's even shorter when you're by yourself.


    • #3
      When dating, people need to STOP with all the mind games & just be straight with one another.
      Oh, I'm quite straight on dates ... in fact, I'm hoping that my date is accepting of my straightness.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Quoth Bright_Star View Post
        When dating, people need to STOP with all the mind games & just be straight with one another. So if you like someone then tell them!
        I was friends with this girl for about 2 years, then she said she liked me, I thought it would be OK to give it a go, a year and a half later we started planning a wedding...


        • #5
          My boyfriend always runs a few minutes behind because he always has to look out of the shower fresh. Honestly....I'm glad he does it at home and not at my place....I'm one of the girliest girls you'll ever meet...and even I can pick an outfit faster than he can. But it's totally worth it, because he always looks and smells great, and he tolerates me taking a few extra minutes to freshen up before we leave.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Quoth Stupid Lady
            #8: Pick up the check. If you're wondering who should pick up the first check. Please consider that women spend wads of money on first dates: there's the bikini waxing (painful), manicures, blow drys (time-consuming), lingerie (expensive), and Pilates (ridiculously over-priced). It's an investment for women to just show up.
            Why does a woman need a bikini waxing and lingerie for a FIRST DATE?
            Is there a pajama party afterwards or something?
            "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


            • #7
              I've never gotten a wax for a date. I don't even go out and buy a new outfit. But I DO know girls that do. I've gotten my nails done (but I had a wedding to go to a few days later) and went tanning in a high bed vs a medium bed....but I do that randomly anyway........but I've never went THAT far! Hell, guys are lucky if I'll answer the door wearing black slacks and not my regular jeans!
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
                Why does a woman need a bikini waxing and lingerie for a FIRST DATE?
                Is there a pajama party afterwards or something?
                Thank you! Thank you!

                I signed in JUST so I could ask that same thing!!

                This woman is a neurotic, idiotic, and apparently easy bird brain, and insultingly assumes everyone else is, too.

                What a little twit!


                • #9
                  Not to mention Pilates. Is she going to start doing it just for this date?

                  My impression has always been that the person who asks the other person out, picks up the check. Why does she assume that the woman's cash outlay is going to be so huge that she'll impoverish herself by paying for the date?


                  • #10
                    Reading this makes me feel that I'm not female... *checks to make sure her parts are correct*

                    I'm nothing like the lady says in the article. I also generally have more money then my date. What is wrong with this lady?
                    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                    • #11
                      I live in a major city with a huge ego/ image complex.
                      If you are female and not drop dead hot . . .good luck being asked out (or if you are really easy - you will get asked for a hook up but it doesn't turn into more)
                      I have spent money on a new outfit before . . .but hey that is one of the ways I buy clothes.
                      I have to give props for not saying -if you want to get laid pay for the meal - in fact it doesn't even guarantee that.
                      Being on time is a huge show of respect issue with me . . .and yes, when I was young and hot I would stop dating anyone who was always running late.

                      As for why a woman needs a waxing and lingerie for a first date - that is what it takes for some women to feel like a woman and get in the mood of being a girl and show her female side . . .not all, but there are some (I have met more than one)


                      • #12
                        Not only would I not buy new lingerie for a first date, I wouldn't get a professional manicure either.

                        I didn't even get a professional manicure for my wedding, an event at which I married the love of my life. If my dear husband didn't get to see me with a manicure, some dude I just met wouldn't have stood a chance.

                        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                        • #13
                          The typical woman will also be wary of the man who asks in a whiny voice what she'd like to do.

                          I'm a man, so I don't claim to have the reference points to really understand . . . but I just don't get this.

                          The "whiny voice" part might be annoying, but what's so wrong about a guy asking his date what she would like to do?

                          I always thought that it showed that the guy cares about what she wants, and, therefore, showed that he cares about her.

                          In all fairness, I would note that it is possible to overdo it. I know this one couple, for example . . .

                          They loved each other very much. When they went out, he was so eager to make her happy that he let her decide everything. He let her pick out what they would do, what movie or show they would go see, where they would eat, etc.

                          He didn't realize . . . This was driving her crazy. For a number of reasons, but chief among them was this :

                          Whenever they went out, she would try to relax and enjoy herself . . . but, invariably, she would wind up watching him carefully to see if he looked like he was having a good time.

                          If it looked to her like he wasn't enjoying the movie they were watching, she would feel bad because she was the one who picked it out. If it looked like he didn't enjoy the food they were eating, she would feel bad because she was the one who chose the restaurant. And so on.

                          If she opted to do something that was expensive, she would worry that he was spending more than he could really afford. But if she chose something that wasn't, she would worry that it wouldn't be good enough for them to have fun on their date.

                          And sometimes, she'd had a stressful day and just didn't want to have to take on the responsibility of making all the decisions on her date with her boyfriend. Sometimes, she just wanted somebody to take care of her for a while.

                          There was more, but you get the idea.

                          She kept all of this to herself, though. Mainly because she knew that he was only doing it because he wanted to make her happy. She didn't want to hurt him by letting him know that during all of that time that they were together, he was quite often making her miserable. And, of course, the longer that they were together, the harder and harder it became.

                          (Eventually, she did tell him the truth. He was really surprised and more than a little hurt, mainly because she hadn't been honest with him. They got through it, however, and I think their relationship became much stronger for it, especially since it was now more open and honest.

                          In fact, now, it's become something of a running joke for them. She often teases him about the way he tried to make her happy and made her miserable instead, and he teases her right back about the fact that she never told him about it. )

                          So, it is possible to overdo it . . . But, in general, is there really something wrong with a guy asking a girl what she wants to do? And is it a special case if it happens on the first date?

                          “Excuse me. Is this bracelet real jade?”
                          “Ma’am, this is a thrift shop. The tag on the bracelet says $1.50. It comes with a matching mood ring. What do you think?”
                          “I don’t know.”
                          “Yes, it’s real.”


                          • #14
                            Quoth Anthony K. S. View Post
                            But, in general, is there really something wrong with a guy asking a girl what she wants to do? And is it a special case if it happens on the first date?
                            With first dates, I have always felt that whoever does the asking should have a plan in mind. For example, I was the one who first asked my husband out. So I said something like, "There is a new pool hall open in town. I hear its a lot of fun. Would you like to play a few games with me on Friday night?"

                            Similarly, I liked it when guys who asked me out had a plan. I preferred "Would you like to see the new Indiana Jones movie with me this weekend?" to, "Wanna hang out this weekend?"

                            As you settle into a relationship and get comfortable with each other, things get a bit more casual.

                            That's just me, anyway. Other women will feel differently. Which is why lists of "Dating Tips" never really help anyone.

                            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                            • #15
                              My GOD, I hope guys don't actually buy into this.

                              I don't want a guy to make a big reservation for our first date. Maybe it's just me, but I'd be a little nervous and defensive if some guy I'm going out with for the first time is trying to drop a load of money on me because then I'd wonder what he's expecting out of it. Sure, maybe once we've been going out a while, then we can try something fancy, but if we're just trying to get to know each other, McDonalds, baby. I'm not going to be concentrating on the guy across the table if I can't figure out which spoon I'm supposed to be using. Besides, once guys see how fast I can put away a pile of double cheeseburgers, it'll weed out the ones who aren't really interested.

                              UGH. Human dating.
                              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

