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A combination of awesome and terrifying

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  • A combination of awesome and terrifying

    A hands free Super Mario level design.

    Someone out there has too much time on their hands. Oh and cookies if anyone can identify all the songs in the video.

  • #2
    That was 110% CHOCK FULL of awesome!
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      Well, I can't identify all, but as far as I can tell, it contains these (Not in any kind of order, as I'm listening to it over and over to see if I can recognize any of them):

      The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
      Geno's theme from Super Mario RPG
      Dragon Quest theme
      The main Final Fantasy theme
      The theme from Air
      Butterfly (the original japanese theme from Digimon season 1)
      Wily's Theme from Megaman 2

      ...And that's pretty much I got out of it. I know there are a lot more songs in it, but I don't recognize them... Do I still get a cookie?
      "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"


      • #4
        You most certainly do since that's better than my friends on other boards have done. Here you are, it's a Pinwheel Cookie.


        • #5
          Yay! Cookie!

          I looked at the comments on the page after I posted my reply, and I think there's a link to somewhere that has a list of all the songs that's in the video.
          "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"


          • #6
            I only heard Megaman and FF (oh, and Super Mario World, of course). But I wasn't really trying too hard. I was rather blown away by the visuals. Hot damn.

            That brings back a lot of good childhood memories.

            I weep for my generation's children. It seems there's nothing wholesome anymore, but I think every generation thinks that, so maybe there's hope.
            Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?



            • #7
              That was awesome.
              And I'm not into video games at all.
              "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut

