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Waitress fired for shaving head for cancer

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  • Waitress fired for shaving head for cancer

    What a jerk boss-- though I do suppose she violated some dress code, but STILL!
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  • #2
    I can't see a shaven head being in violation of a dress code. What if she had been naturally bald? I don't know if they have the "at-will" law where she is, but i would seriously think about a wrongful termination suit against this place.
    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


    • #3
      At first, I assumed she must work at Hooter's or something, because I can't think of any other reason why the clientele would care about how much hair is on their server's head.

      I liked the picture of her with the buzz cut. I think it's kind of cute on her, actually.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        I guess I get to be the Devil's Advocate here. That article doesn't cover a few key points the story as covered by the news more local to her:


        1) They warned her prior to the event that they didn't like her participating and tried to suggest other ways of supporting the cause.

        2) She was unclear on whether or not she'd be fired if she went through it. Then went through with it without making sure she got a solid answer from her boss.

        3) She was not send home for being bald exactly. She was send home because her boss asked her if she could at least wear a wig while at work so she stayed within the dress code. She refused. THEN she was send home.

        4) The boss has customers that are both for and against her position.

        PR wise it does look bad for the boss, but frankly she acted stupid too. If my boss tells me "Please don't do that or I may have to fire you, and I do it, then come back and he says "Well at least please wear a wig so you don't cause any problems with the customers or else I'll have to send you home till it grows back." and I still do anyway. Then yeah, I deserve to be send home.

        Its unfortunate that this is centered around a Good Cause(tm) but she knew the dress code, she violated the dress code, she refused to accept her bosses suggestions so that she could remain within the dress code, she got send home. End of story. The boss didn't even fire her. He just told her to take a month or so off for it to grow back.

        Like it or not if she had displayed it at work she would have, obviously, told everyone and their dog it was for cancer. That's a personal cause of hers. It doesn't matter how good or bad your cause is, that's personal and if your boss doesn't want you bringing your cause into work, you don't bring your cause into work.

        So no, no sympathy honestly. Its a sucky situation and I feel bad for both her and her boss who's taking the OMIGAWD YER A HORRIBLE PERSON rap for what should be an internal employee matter, but she created this situation. It's her fault. She may not like the consequences of her actions, but they're her actions.

        If she actually tries to sue I will lose what respect I have for her too, honestly. It's one thing to be stupid. It's another thing to be stupid and vindictive.


        • #5
          I don't understand. How or WHY would people think its wrong for what she did. I just don't understand this one. I mean people can be jackasses, but. What the hell? How was that wrong on ANY LEVEL?
          Military Spouse Support.

          Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


          • #6
            Forget the jackasses, too many people these days are just heartless. As far as i'm concerned if her hair (or lack therof) does not negatively affect her work performance, they should just leave her alone.
            Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


            • #7
              Whether or not it make him a good person/boss, if she was told that it was against dress code ahead of time, he's within his rights. He did give her an alternative of wearing a wig and she said no but still wasn't fired.

              While I think there shouldn't be rules against her having a shaved head at work, there were. Her boss did give her options. If you want to work right now, you wear a wig. If not, come back when it's grown out and you still have a job. Just because it's for a good cause doesn't mean it will trump it being against dress code at your work. It sucks and I don't think it should be against dress code but it is...
              "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


              • #8
                If customers are fine being served by a bald man, then they have no right taking issue with a bald woman.

                Shes not even shaved bald! Give it 3 weeks and she will habe hair as long as Winona Ryder

                People who have cancer, have no choice about losing their hair, what would these supposed upset customers do if someone who was losing their hair due to chemo have to say....

                Im sorry but Ive lost 3 family members to cancer, I think it is disgusting that someone who gives up their hair to raise money is treated in this kind of manner.

                Its not like she turned up with a facial tattoo or blue hair with pink spots or a big fat metal piercings coming out of her.

                If I heard about that happening at a resturant near me, I would never go back there.
                I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                • #9
                  My mom lost her hair to chemo - I wonder how management would have handled it if that was why she was bald. Dress code or not, wigs are horribly hot and uncomfortable. Mom always asks us if it is OK to go out with us without her wig because she thinks we will be embarassed to be seen with her. (I almost cry every time she does that.) When we were leaving Costco on Monday, the girl that checked our receipt told her she was beautiful and she was so touched by that that she cried most of the way home. I think it is completely heartless to punish someone for supporting the cause.
                  "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                  • #10
                    How can not having hair be a fireable offense?

                    Call me a radical, but IMHO firing her would ONLY be fair if they had a rule against bald men (or men who chose to shave their heads). Having lost my hair to chemo, I'm a bit sympathetic to her cause.


                    • #11
                      The discussion of equality of dress codes, and the fairness of not allowing personal causes to be paraded at work is a topic more suited for Fratching. Feel free to continue the discussion there.
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


