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Woman strips down to her undies to protest Wal-Mart policy

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  • #31
    Funny? Yes.

    Justified? No.

    She's an SC. Plain and simple.

    It sounded like the manager knew the policy ( No bikes ) existed but not why so she tried to pull something out of her ass. No bikes is a pretty common store policy for various reasons. Woman with the bike decided to act like a child and create a scene. SC. End of story.

    I think we've been over this time and time again on these forums. Its pointless to argue/whine/try to change/bitch/piss/moan over a company/store policy with someone ( such as a "front line" employee) who has absolutely no control over said policy.

    She's an SC and should be smucked upside the head. The manager should be smucked too for not knowing the purpose behind the policy.

    Smucking all around. But the bike woman should not be praised for her childish actions. -.-


    • #32
      OMG! Someone found a story I just can't sit back and read without giving my 2 cents... This idiot was the biggest SC and EW I've ever read about!!! There are rules for just about everything in life, and Walmart has a rule. The management is there to enforce the rules, and the one time management sticks to their guns, they get blasted. If they had allowed her to park her bike behind the Customer Service desk, I'd bet she'd be one of those asshats that examine her property for "bumps and bruises" and then threaten to sue if her bike were damaged in any way! And IF they did this for her, how many other bikes would they end up parking there? I'd say it's a safety issue for the Walmart employees who work behind the counter. This is a free country, and if you don't like the rules, you're free to leave and shop elsewhere. She would have been much better off writing a letter to Corporate, or to the local store to ask them to install a proper bike rack (signed by many other bike riders, of course) I don't let many things get under my skin like this, but she needs to visit the

      End rant.


      • #33
        Quoth donruss View Post
        First off, I do not know what everyone has against Wal-Mart. You dont like it, DO NOT SHOP THERE! Second, that bike person is an EW to the Nth degree.
        As much as I hate Walmart, I lived in an area where I had a choice.

        A. Shop at the only department/grocery store in my area even though it was the Walmart that killed off every store in the area save for the bead shop, the New Age/Wicca shop, and the Rent-A-Center


        B. Drive 40 miles at $3.00 a gallon in a 1993 Ford Taurus Station Wagon to the next town that didn't have a Walmart

        I can hate Walmart, I can despise it with every fiber of my being, but the fact of the matter is I live in an area and in an economic environment where I have to make the deal with the devil and either buy gas to get to my job or put food on the table. Walmart allows me to do both. I hate it, I know what it is, but I have no choice since they have the best prices. Back in the days of $2.00/gallon gasoline I could afford to boycott them and shop at other places.

        Now that is not an option anymore. Yeah I'm a hypocrite, yeah I'm bitching with one hand and handing over my debit card to them with the other. So sue me.

        Won't get a @#$%ing dime out of me since I'm broke as shit now thanks to the gas prices and the economy.

        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

