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Are you White & Nerdy?

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  • Are you White & Nerdy?

    I LOVE Weird Al Yankovic. What can I say, I find his parodies extremely funny. His new album just came out, and if you are white and/or nerdy, you should definitely check the music video he has up on his myspace page. It's his new song "White and Nerdy" which is a parody of Chamillionaire's "Ridin' Dirty". I think it's HILARIOUS. I've watched it at leasat 30 times since I discovered it last week. What can I say, I'm white AND nerdy. ::snicker::

    Below is the link. WARNING: Not-so-job-friendly, as it starts playing the song "White and Nerdy" as soon as the page loads. Better to watch it at home.
    Any fool can criticize, comdemn, and complain—and most do. ~ Dale Carnegie

    Sarah: That's not fair!
    Jareth: You say that so often. I wonder what your basis for comparison is...

  • #2
    Weird Al is THE BEST!!

    I heard this the other morning on the radio, my favorite DJ is a fan, and they had Weird Al as a guest on the show.

    I can't wait until I have the money to buy his new album next week!! Anyone here ever seen him in concert? If you like his stuff, you simply MUST!! The hubby and I went a few years back, and it was great! He came out dressed up in the fat suit and did "I'm Fat" for the finale - FANTASTIC!

    Phoenix - A Weirld Al fan for life!
    "I'm spending a year dead for tax reasons" - Douglas Adams
    "If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off . . . " - unknown


    • #3
      I love the fact that he has D&D, Klingon, Kirk & Picard and Renaissance Faires all in the same song! Yes, yes, I know I'm really geeky. LOL ... I love Weird Al soooo much! He just rocks my socks!


      • #4
        That's so great! Now I have something to counter all this shatty music the girls in my hall play. They LOVE playing Ridin Dirty. What crap.
        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


        • #5
          I love Weird Al, I actually have that song and I've played it 40 times already.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6
            I love that song! LOL

            Funny story-I used to work with one particular guy who was a visible minority, and acted very "gangsta" for lack of a better word. We were talking one day, when he commented, "You know, most white boys act black, but you don't act like a coloured person. That makes you cool."

            I always thought that was pretty accurate.
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              Donny Osmond!! Donny Osmond in the video poking fun at himself as being "white bread!!" Even if I found some of the references a little too close to home (Recite MP & the Holy Grail!?!?), I LOVE it!!!
              "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."


              • #8
                I'm fluent in Javascript and Klingon?!

                That could have been me getting a dime bag o' Star Wars

