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If you put my picture in the internet, I'll cal my lawyer!

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  • #16
    No pulling thread is useless card as it was clearly stated that I would not be posting pics.
    Come on what kind of hypocrite do you take me for . . .on one hand I say that I don't want pics like that of me floating around the internet . . . then you want me to turn around and post something I want to avoid.
    And I agree the man who's photo was posted basically asked for it.

    True I do my best to not be of interest to random photographers. But, I had a situation in my past which makes me a touch insane in the protection of my image. (when you find out someone had multiple -G rated- photos of you -that were not published in an adult magazine- and they had a form of male produced protein on them . . .you become very protective of your image)

    I love the internet but it does create a whole new set of things to adjust to in life.


    • #17
      When you go outside people can see you! And around here at least you're allowed to photograph, film or otherwise record anything you can see from public space (even if whatever you're filming is happening in a private space) and can publish it however you want, even if the people involved ask you not to. Hence a lot of news reports feature very angry people standing in driveways yelling at reporters. (The subject may be on private land, but the camera crew filmed it from the street)


      • #18
        Quoth Emrld View Post
        . . then you want me to turn around and post something I want to avoid.
        I understand your dander's up on this subject, but I think Hon'ya-chan was pulling your chain a little here Emrld. (At least I read it that way.)

        I had a similar incident to the photographers which led me to look up photography rights a while ago.

        I heard a large crash early in the morning. Watched from my window as drunk asshat attempted to have his car towed before cops arrived (unsuccessfully) and then run off. As it got lighter I went down and took pictures of the car. It was ON THE SIDEWALK, wrapped around a fire hydrant. Yes. Just like in the movies. Except no water fountaining up into the air. No interior shots or anything, just fascinated by the meeting of these two big hunks of metal. As I'm doing so some guy pulls up in a pickup truck and starts in. "Who are you? Why are you taking pictures of that car?" etc., all in a heavy Russian accent. So I point out to him that I'm in public and can pretty much take pics of whatever I want. (I didn't know that was true at the time, but it sounded good.) He started to approach me, so I turned the camera on him. He turned his head away quickly and walked back toward the truck in a furtive manner. Got in and drove very quickly away. I was a little apprehensive but nothing ever developed from it. Except I went and read up on the subject. Expectation to privacy is really the key, until it comes to publication.
        Last edited by sms001; 08-28-2008, 12:26 AM.


        • #19
          Downloadable PDF "Photographers' Bill of Rights"


          • #20
            Hey guy...anyone heard of paparazzi? They basically take pictures of anyone ever walking out of a restaurant or into their car. It's perfectly legal. Plus, they make money off it. The guy on flickr isn't making money. Nothing to worry about.

            Olive juice you too.


            • #21
              Quoth sms001 View Post
              I understand your dander's up on this subject, but I think Hon'ya-chan was pulling your chain a little here Emrld. (At least I read it that way.)
              I could've pulled a Rule 34, but I wasn't trying to be mean. Sorry Emrld!!


              • #22
                I didn't mean to come across as ticked . . . .
                just explaining why I wasn't posting the pic.

                Hon'ya-chan - you didn't upset or offend me. all the same apology accepted. Hugs.


                • #23
                  Lookie what I found:



                  • #24
                    Quoth Emrld View Post

                    I love the internet but it does create a whole new set of things to adjust to in life.
                    That's using your image for profit, though, isn't it, which WOULD be illegal?
                    My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                    Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Saydrah View Post
                      That's using your image for profit, though, isn't it, which WOULD be illegal?
                      In South Australia at least you can do whatever you want with a photo taken on public property. Photos taken on private property need permission from the land owner and everyone in the photo before they can be published. "Public property" in photos is considered anything you can see when standing on public property. So if I take a photo through your bathroom window it's still public as long as I only shoot what I can see from the street.


                      • #26
                        not always using image for profit . . .there are some sites that people have their own personal collection of photos from fair and why others should attend fair with those type of pics . . .no actual nudity so require over 18 and charge fee need not apply
                        It is much harder to keep ones personal/ private information personal/ private.
                        Like my phone number . . .phone book has it listed with two letters and a very common last name - that isn't my last name.
                        However, I can't have my name hidden from the tax records for property which is public information. My last name is not common and it makes it real easy for people I don't want knowing where I am to locate me.
                        Being able to "google" someones name and get all kinds of information on them . . .that is what I am saying by all new way of life.

