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Australia = no men?

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  • Australia = no men?

    Man drought in Australia

    Because of relaxed immigration laws, more men have left Australia and today's women have a harder time finding mates than their counterparts did 30 years ago.

  • #2
    and we have one here in New Zealand too. I should move to South Africa. They have the hottest men on the planet but then I don't want to get murdered
    Yes. I know my typing sucks but I have a large orange cat sitting on my keyboard and a small disturbed dog trying to sniff his butt


    • #3
      Man drought = women refusing to settle for the men who are actually available and holding out for ideal men who, if they existed, wouldn't be interested in said women.


      • #4
        Quoth edible_hat View Post
        Man drought = women refusing to settle for the men who are actually available and holding out for ideal men who, if they existed, wouldn't be interested in said women.
        Sad, but true.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          Well then if there is a man drought there...I'm glad I got mine early.


          • #6
            Really? I'm single and always wanted to go to Australia...
            Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

            I like big bots and I cannot lie.


            • #7
              Quoth marasbaras View Post
              Sad, but true.
              I reached the conclusion because I know plenty of single men who complain that women won't give them the time of day, and plenty of single women who complain about the alleged "man drought".

              The strongest relationships I know of started out as friendships, where neither party was looking for a partner.


              • #8
                So... lesbians should move to Australia?


                • #9
                  The problem there sounds more like the women are fleeing the rural areas for the city, because they have more opportunity to get an education and better jobs. In my experience of rural America (which is surprisingly similar to rural Australia), women who stay behind in the hometowns only have one real occupation open to them: getting married and having kids. Other opportunities are few and far between.

                  Think about it---if you go to a rural mining town of 700 people, almost all men, what are you going to do there? Open a beauty salon? Run an Edward Jones? No, you're most likely going to end up a stay at home Mom. There's nothing wrong with that, if you that's your goal, but until very recently that life was forced on a lot of rural women whether they wanted it or not. In the rural town that I lived in as a teenager, many of the women fled for that very reason---if they stayed they were expected to get married to a local boy and have babies immediately. Consequently, many females who were given an opportunity to get out did so, and those who wanted to stay were married by the time they were 20.

                  The men often stay behind, because the main occupations of rural people---farming, mining, logging, etc--- are traditional male occupations, and a man can get into them at the entry level very easily with no training. Unfortunately, they are also physically harsh and tend to pay little, which makes men in these industries less desireable to a woman who's gone to the city, gotten a degree and improved her lifestyle. Her degree is worth nothing in the bush.

                  Please understand, I am not blaming either gender for this. It is an effect of modern western culture, with its emphasis on equal rights for females.
                  Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.


                  • #10
                    Sounds like those women downunder need to get together with the folks in Serbia which is importing 250,000 brides.
                    (I'm picturing a musical: Seven Brideskis for Seven Mates )
                    "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
                    -Eric Foreman That 70's Show

