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Bad Neighbor Stories

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  • Bad Neighbor Stories

    I was bored at work and felt like reading some of these stories. Here is one I felt was amusing. This is from -

    83.# I rented a house in an older neighborhood a few years ago. The area was fairly decent, no crime and quiet. The houses were built in the 50's and 60's but were fairly well kept. My landlord gave me a break on the rent because of some minor repairs needed on the house and the yard and landscaping had been kind of neglected over the years. Well being the handyman and gardener that I am, I proceeded to fix things on the house and bring the lawn back to life. After the 1st year the lawn was lush and flower beds blooming year round, with many nice comments from the neighborhood. Enter the neighbor from hell that lived next door! This woman (in her 40's I guess) prided herself on having the best looking yard on the block. When I first moved in we talked a few times over the fence and nothing more. After awhile she wouldn't even acknowledge me. 2 years ago I had my yard perfect, mowed weekly, and even repaired the splitrail fence across the front. I went out of town for about 3 days on business and when I came home the splitrail fence had been cut down and the yard brown in large spots. After calling the Cops (for the fence) I took several samples of grass plugs to the County Extension Service and they told me that my lawn had been sprayed with a herbicide like "Roundup". My other neighbors (all very nice) were kind of P***** off about what happened. By chance that very week the City held its "Mayors Choice" award for the best yards and lawns in each section of the city with the winners having a sign placed in the yard along with a couple hundred dollars in freebies. Guess who won? Yep the witch next door (has won in this area of town for about 8 yrs straight). Fast forward to this year. I have my yard back to immaculate condition and being kind of an electronics whiz installed hidden (2) cameras under the eves of the house hooked to 3 VCR's to provide 24/7 coverage. I came home a week ago and found my flowerbed pulled up. I reviewed the tapes and you guessed it the witch from next door caught on tape pulling up the flowers. The Cops were called and given the tape. They recommended not filing charges at this time in order to see if she would do anything else. Well she did! Smashed my birdbath, cut my fence down (again!), and poured red paint on my driveway and all of this caught on film. She was arrested and charged with vandalism and destruction of private property. During the court hearing when she was found guilty fined $10,000 and 90 days in jail she threw the plastic water jug on the defense table at the judge and SCREAMED "NO ONE WILL EVER HAVE A BETTER YARD THAN MINE, NEVER!" She was then found in contempt and assault and fined another 10 grand + another 60 days. Justice had been served. Even though I never received the mayors award, her yard looks like S***-after serving jail and forking over $20,000. Even Neighbors from hell stories sometimes have happy endings
    Never Underestimate the Element of Surprise - Odo, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

    Captain John Rourke(Clear Skies) - Ah, yes. another Black Bird. Are they free with cereal now or something?

  • #2
    Neighbour disputes are very often absolutely massive problems that begin over the smallest, oddest problems.

    I've been to some odd jobs but neighbour jobs I hate with a loathing normally reserved for the most evil of people, both parties belive they are right, both parties think that they shit puppies and rainbows and both parties think the other side is a heady mixture of Stalin/Hitler/Gengis Khan.

    Obviously in this case the woman was a whacked out psycho bitch from hell but it's incredibly rare for it to be that one sided.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Never got NEARLY that bad, but when I was growing up we would have occasional spats with an elderly neighbor whose property backed up to ours. She would complain that her pine trees were being stunted by our lilacs, even though she planted the pines after we planted the bushes and should have been aware that trees...oh I dunno...want to GROW and she was already retarding their growth by planting them so close to the property line. She would also try and give her "opinions" on different parts of our property, and my mom would just smile politely.
      "I saw a flock of moosen! There were many of 'em. Many much moosen. Out in the woods- in the woodes- in the woodsen. The meese want the food. The food is to eatenesen."


      • #4
        and why do i have a feeling they might not let her participate next year for the contest?

        and that she'll attack the next year anyway just out of revenge for not winning.

