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TRU: Only 50 and older people are grandparents

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  • TRU: Only 50 and older people are grandparents

    If you're under 50 years of age, you're not a grandparent

    Last week, Toys R Us had a 20% off coupon for Grandparents to use to spoil their grandchildren. The coupon read: "We love Grandparents!" However, because one woman was 49, she was "too young" to use the Grandparent coupon.

    TRU is standing by its policy, and will have age restrictions on other promotions. However, they did allow the 49-year-old to use the coupon eventually.

  • #2
    The hell? I have a second cousin who is a Great Great GrandmaX2 at 62. She had her first child at 18 who had her first child at 19 (making Grandma at 37), Grandchild had child at 20 (57), with a baby Brother being born 5 years later....

    So yea I know she would have been able to use the coupon NOW but what if she had still been on her first grandchild?


    • #3
      Call it a "Senior Citizen" discount if you want to put an age limit on it! Don't call it a "Grandparent's" discount if you're going to exclude young grandparents!


      • #4
        I would be ticked. I was a Grandma at 46.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          I don't like the poll accompanying the article. Yeah. Toys-R-Us should be able to set their own terms & conditions, but this was a stupid condition.


          • #6
            My cousin was a grandmother at 33.


            • #7
              You know, we got the TRU flier with the coupon in it last week. I never thought to look for the age restriction. Never crossed my minds. Are all grandparents supposed to old, rickety & white haired? 'cos let me tell you ... I know plenty of grandparents who aren't.


              • #8
                Where TRU gets off thinking that only those who are not 50 and over aren't grandparents?! My maternal grandmother had her first grandchild at 45 (that was in 1975) because my mom's older brother J had his daughter (first born child) at 21.
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                • #9
                  Teenage pregnancy is reasonably common. If I may be allowed a little cynicism, it also tends to lead to teenager pregnancy of the offspring - equalling a possibly under-30 grandma.

                  Friend of mine's sister had a sprog at 15, preggers at 14. If her offspring does the same in oooohh probably about nowish actually, then she'd be a granny before she's 30.


                  • #10
                    If one girl I knew didn't have a miscarriage... she would've been pregnant at 14 (or was it 15?) just like her mom was.

                    Being a grandparent or great grandparent knows no age these days. Before me (sadly) and one other relative -- most of the other relatives of mine are pregnant or responsible for a kid between the ages of 18-22 (so every 20 years there's a new kid). Being a 40ish grandparent wouldn't be that shocking (might make them feel old though )

                    And if you really look into it further, what if a 20 year old marries a 40 year old that has a kid that's 15 that gets pregnant (or even just an 18 and 30-35 year old)? Wouldn't the 20 year old be a grandparent too (not genetically, but still)?
                    Last edited by JLRodgers; 09-15-2008, 07:07 AM.


                    • #11
                      Which opens up the problem for a "grandparents" promotion - how do you prove it?


                      • #12
                        Quoth JLRodgers View Post
                        what if a 20 year old marries a 40 year old that has a kid that's 15 that gets pregnant (or even just an 18 and 30-35 year old)? Wouldn't the 20 year old be a grandparent too (not genetically, but still)?
                        That's what I was thinking. I'm 28 and my BF is 44. He has 9 grandkids (and another on the way). Now, we're not married yet, but if we were I'd technically be a grandparent.

                        Not to mention, even he wouldn't qualify for this promotion. Because having NINE grandchildren doesn't make you a grandparent unless you're over 50.
                        Let it go... Daisy, let it go... Open up your fist
                        This fallen world... Doesn't hold your interest...
                        Doesn't hold your soul... Daisy, let it go

