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Buddy the German shepherd dials 911 to save his owner's life

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  • Buddy the German shepherd dials 911 to save his owner's life

    An incredible story.

    Highly possible considering the training potential a good GSD has.

    Edit: Kudos to the 911 dispatcher who took it seriously and knew enough to send help too. I'm sure many (maybe even the majority?) would have hung up.
    Last edited by draggar; 09-15-2008, 08:16 PM.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    Video won't play for me, but my understanding of emergency dispatch is that if there is no voice on the call, they will dispatch police to see if there's an issue at the site.

    Numerous people have been surprised and a little shocked to have police show up at their house because they pranked 911, accidentally dialled it, or little junior was playing with the phone unsupervised.


    • #3
      I found out later that he was on a list of people who have a dog who is trained to dial 911 in the event of an emergency.

      While I know they are supposed to send dispatch if there is no response, but I wonder how many do?
      Quote Dalesys:
      ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


      • #4
        Quoth draggar View Post
        While I know they are supposed to send dispatch if there is no response, but I wonder how many do?
        Send someone out if there is no response? They do it. My little cousin when he was about one and a half dialed 911 and the police came.

        I saw something about this on the news the other night. That's pretty awesome. Well, not awesome that the guy was in that situation, but awesome that the dog was able to dial 911 correctly and bark at the right time.
        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


        • #5
          Quoth Greenday View Post
          Send someone out if there is no response? They do it. My little cousin when he was about one and a half dialed 911 and the police came.
          Working in cell phone stores I sent my sister dozens of fake cell phones (the display ones) to help her with a lesson for her students (she teaches elementary school). The one lesson is how to dial 911. How to dial it, what to say, how to say it, etc..

          The first year she did it she had the police waiting to meet her the next morning when she arrived at the school. Apparently the kids went home and practiced and the police responded to each one. Now, she lets the local dispatch know that she will be teaching that lesson.

          That's in new Hampshire where you would see a response like this but what about more urban areas? We've had some recent stories of 911 operators falling asleep, ignoring requests (and I'm not talking about the BK western burger person), even ridiculing callers. I really hope these kinds of people are far and few between but it does lurk in the back of my mind, will I get one of these people the day I need them?
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            I may have mentioned that a drunken ex-roomate physically attacked me one night. She was bigger than me, drunk as hell, and threw me into a wall. I picked up the phone, frantically dialed 911, and the first thing I did was give my address when someone picked up.

            Then my roomate jerked the phone out of the wall and started bludgeoning me with it.

            A cookie to you if you think I"m telling you all this because 911 never showed up. Yeah, that's right. 911 never showed up.

            Fortunately, I am much faster and meaner than ex drunk roomate. I guess the irony of all this is that ex drunk roomate very quickly discovered she needed a phone to dial 911 and didn't have one.

            So yeah, I hope they have gotten a little better with their response, but I am leery of calling them, for the obvious reason.


            • #7
              yeah... back when sis was living in an apartment, the people across the hall had a toddler playing with the phone. they were surprised when the cops showed up over a 911 call

              and that doggy is awesome. i saw it on the news a few days ago. and they said this is the third time the dog's called 911 for his human. what a wonderful dog!


              • #8
                That story was on the news this week. It touched my heart.

                I'm a little leery this days with 911 as well......a friend of mine personally witnessed an accident in Wisconsin Dells, and he immediately called 911 on his cell phone, and got "911 dispatch of Washburn County.." (the Dells are NOT in Washburn County....Washburn County is 50 miles or more from where I live, and I'm 1 1/2 hours from the Dells). It was a "WTF?" type thing. They wouldn't even transfer him to a more local dispatch. Thankfully, another motorist must have called 911, because help did come.

                I've been hearing stories like these more and more these days. I'm a little scared as to what will happen if I need to call 911 and I get "911 dispatch for Vernon County.."
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  For Massachusetts, any 911 calls from a cell phone go to the State Police 911 Dispatch (they serve as a state-wide backup) and they route calls to the correct areas (and on the highways jointly respond)

