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EA Class Action Lawsuit

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  • EA Class Action Lawsuit

    hey guys, i know i don't post much but i do know there are gamers on this site.

    If any of you have been affected by EA's Securom crap or friends that have been affected by it you too can join the lawsuit.

    The Sims board that i hang out at had members contact the lawyer because they were only including spore. So if you play sims or any other EA title you can fill out a form and let them know how it has affected you.

    You can also find out more info here

    They include a list of other games that have Securom not just the Sims and Spore.

    The Sims titles that are affected start with Bon Voyage. I am wondering now if this is what killed my computer about a month ago.

    My computer would power on, light up and the fans would be going but the hard drive would not boot nor would the computer post. I did take the hard drive out and put it into another computer and it worked perfectly. So the drive was not the case. alienware told me it was a bad motherboard? They replaced it and caused me other problems though. They suck as a company.
    "Beam me up Scotty there is no intelligent life down here."

  • #2
    Quoth CaptainJaneway View Post

    They include a list of other games that have Securom not just the Sims and Spore.

    The Sims titles that are affected start with Bon Voyage. I am wondering now if this is what killed my computer about a month ago.
    i love Sims 2, have only had one problem that has since resolved, and now im happy ive desided to wait on buying spore, if at all for it to seem less weird.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 10-03-2008, 08:15 AM. Reason: don't quote the entire post.


    • #3
      I'm guessing this is a USA only thing. Which is too bad, because I've got a couple of the games on the infested list. They're all SecuROM 7.3 and up though, which I guess has slightly fewer problems, which is probably why I only knew one of them actually had it before this.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        Darn, only got up to Need For Speed: Carbon!!


        • #5
          Joined - my antivirus has been acting up since I installed Spore.
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            I just looked up Securom and am upset to find out that they are including it in Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 I was really looking forward to getting that, but now I don't know. What bothers me most other than it basically being malware is that it limits the number of installs you can have, while this is to stop someone from installing it on say 20 different computers, what about someone that buys a new computer or has to reformat, or if it accidentally gets uninstalled? either or any combination of those more than 5 times and you have to call customer support to be able to install it again, which theoretically isn't too bad, but what about when the game is no longer supported? I still play a bunch of old games that I have that are no longer supported or the company went under, I'd hate to think I can't play them after paying $30 -$50 when they were new just because the company doesn't acknowledge it's existence anymore.
            Last edited by Millahtyme1983; 10-03-2008, 02:04 PM.


            • #7
              Quoth Millahtyme1983 View Post
              What bothers me most other than it basically being malware is that it limits the number of installs you can have, while this is to stop someone from installing it on say 20 different computers, what about someone that buys a new computer or has to reformat, or if it accidentally gets uninstalled? either or any combination of those more than 5 times and you have to call customer support to be able to install it again, which theoretically isn't too bad, but what about when the game is no longer supported? I still play a bunch of old games that I have that are no longer supported or the company went under, I'd hate to think I can't play them after paying $30 -$50 when they were new just because the company doesn't acknowledge it's existence anymore.

              I fully agree. It is not uncommon for me to uninstall a game or two so I can have some movies that I am working on stored on my main drive (fastest access time) only to keep the saved games - then reinstall them at a later time.

              Sorry, EA, I paid for a lisence to use the program on one computer - not rent it at full price.
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                Oh, how I would love to rant about DRM. But I won't.

                I'll just point out that every DRM program released to the market has been cracked, generally within a very short time of its release (some within a few days, or less). Whether or not these cracks have been widely circulated depends largely on the cost of the protected media, as well as the target demographic of the same.

                If you don't believe me, think about this: if any DRM program remained that had not already been cracked, wouldn't most companies be chomping at the bit to buy the rights to that little golden egg of proprietary software? And even if not, there'd be at least one company out there who's media was totally unpiratable.

                Personally, I'm waiting for some aspiring genius to write an open-source piece of DRM software...

                [EDIT] And I found SecuROM on my hard drive, despite the fact that I uninstalled Hellgate: London six months ago. Along with all related files and folders. [/EDIT]
                Last edited by MMATM; 10-03-2008, 10:54 PM.
                "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                • #9
                  Hm, didn't get SecuROM isn't on my laptop even though I have Command & Conquer: The First Decade. Guess they forgot to include it on here.
                  "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                  • #10
                    Show hidden files and folders and then search for "SecuROM" under "all files and folders". It's known to be a hidden folder, so if your hidden files aren't being shown, you'll never see it. Check the registry too. Any of a dozen of us on here can walk you through that if you aren't comfortable messing with it.

                    Unless you have the far-superior Piratey version. In which case, YARRR!
                    "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                    • #11
                      It's not under all files and folders. I already have all hidden files viewable.
                      "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                      • #12
                        Last thing you could do to be certain would be to check the registry for it. It's under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SecuROM (on an XP machine at least) - if that's not there, you're in the clear.
                        "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                        • #13
                          I was actually considering getting Spore. It really looks like a cool concept, but after reading about the DRM restrictions on it, I'll not be paying for it.

                          There is just no way a company that pulls crap like this on their legitimate customers is going to get any of my money. I'll stick with WoW for now.

                          Eric the Grey
                          In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                          • #14
                            hmm. i'l have to read that. my bf plays command and conquer. but he plays on a mac so i dont know if it'll affect his computer the same way it affects PCs


                            • #15
                              Nice to see how these companies can virus us thru something we purchased legimitately, and it's perfectly legal.
                              Sometimes life is altered.
                              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                              Uneasy with confrontation.
                              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

