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Adding to GKs woes.

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  • Adding to GKs woes.

    The are now offering a pink-camo HUNTING BOW!

    "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

    Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!

  • #2
    that actually looks like a really sweat bow... other than it being pink camo of course
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Might be good for Polar Bear hunting in 867 territory.

      "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

      Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!


      • #4
        Well, unless the catalogue company for which GK does the call centre work actually starts selling them, I doubt it will add anything to his woes.

        Just because it's pink camo, it doesn't necessarily touch GK's life.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          who is GK?

          its a paris hilton bow!
          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


          • #6
            Quoth Kiwi View Post
            who is GK?
            He has posted stories of people from the '867' area code calling to order pink camo clothing items from a company for which he does the call centre work, so both 'pink camo' and '867' have become associated automatically with him, no matter where they occur.
            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


            • #7
              Quoth Ree View Post
              Just because it's pink camo, it doesn't necessarily touch GK's life.
              Ah, but he's declared open warfare on pink camo, so it promises some sort of reaction.
              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #8
                .... ....that's all I have to say...
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                • #9
                  Where's GK? I need to laugh at his misery now.
                  Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                  Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                  Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                  • #10
                    ...a pink camo, deadly weapon, with sharp pointys, named after Sarah Palin?


                    Edit: Before anyone turns this political, I like Sarah Palin for reasons entirely unrelated to her politics.
                    Last edited by MystyGlyttyr; 10-04-2008, 07:03 PM.
                    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                    • #11
                      I can understand having patterns that are bright and eyecatching on target bows, hey you might as well stand out from the crowd somehow right? But for hunting, that's just plain odd...
                      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                      • #12
                        Quoth crazylegs View Post
                        But for hunting, that's just plain odd...
                        Yeah. I thought the point was to blend in...not stand out like a sore thumb.
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #13
                          From what I understand from other threads on here, deer cannot see pink. Same goes for those high-visibility vests the hunters wear to (hopefully) avoid being shot by their fellow hunters.



                          • #14
                            Well that explains it, then.

                            I still think pink is an odd choice for 'camouflage'.
                            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Ree View Post
                              I still think pink is an odd choice for 'camouflage'.
                              The British military prefers the term DPM (Disruptive Pattern Material) which makes a little more sense, essentially it breaks up the outline, if you can't see colour then it won't make much odds. (although according to one source the blue DPM is highly effective under street lighting )
                              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.

