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Students are taught to fight intruders

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  • Students are taught to fight intruders

    Another crazy story from my area. Nothing but crazy news here today I tell ya.

    Okay, my take on this is there is maybe it's a good idea, maybe not. I believe that throwing scissors at somebody who has a gun will only serve to agitate them, and that's the last thing you want to somebody who has a gun pointed at you.

  • #2
    I understand the need to do... something to protect our schools from intruders. The past two weeks, as well as cases such as Columbine, have made this painfully clear. In an effort to try to protect these children, all kinds of ideas are surfacing. However....there HAS to be a line.

    In Wisconsin (?), a lawmaker has proposed the brilliant idea that teachers carry guns in the classroom. He must have never been in a classroom with children. I don't care if they're in 1st grade or 12th grade, they CAN and WILL get into ANYTHING in the classroom. I've known of teachers getting lockers and putting their purses in there (or not bringing purses, simply a wallet and keeping it on their person) because students get into them. What's going to be so different with a gun? Have you seen the size of kids these days? I'm 6' tall, and a lot of them are bigger than I am! That, and they're strong. I've had to physically restrain a 3rd grader (8 year-old) at work to keep him from effectively pulverizing a 6-year old, and while I managed it, it was hard. He's a big kid, and he's strong. How is a little 5'2 teacher going to do that if the kid wants the key to the gun safe? And that's only one kid...imagine 5 or 6 on one. The odds are NOT good.

    I don't want to debate, just my .02.
    Last edited by thegiraffe; 10-14-2006, 05:20 PM.
    Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

    Proverbs 22:6

