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Walmart hehehehehehe

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  • Walmart hehehehehehe

    ------Good to see a group of people that really got a pair stand up to a massive bully. At least they can't play the "troublemaking union activists" card this time.

  • #2
    my gosh.
    Cutting hours to 32 hours a week, making rotating shifts that you have no control over. and the call in thing?! geeze.

    then near the end, forcing older people to leave the stools behind, to get them to quit, and then closing a store that tried to unionize...
    If i could afford to shop elsewhere, i would so boycott walmart.
    Cyberpunk mayhem!


    • #3
      For all the crap that wally world gets there are much worse places to work. Where I live, Target has crap wages compared to us and no profit sharing program as far as I am aware of. I get paid a fair wage, have benifits at a very good price, get plenty of vacation, and have profit sharing. I have worked FAR worse jobs for far less pay than working at Wal-Mart.

      The "mom-and-pop" stoes that everyone says are going under because of WM pay even less to their employees than WM does. One such store offered me a job at minumum wage and a raise after 1 year. I was making more scrubbing dishes and declined that job.

      There are much worse companies than WM. Though I have to agree, someone is making up sh*t policies to look important. There is no way in hell the computer scheduler and 800 number for calling in sick thing is gona work. Someone is trying to look important by trying new things. Hopefully these will end up in the policy dustbin where they belong. If they go with either of these they are going to loose their best employees really quick. Anyone who has worked retail knows that people like their schedule to be predictable and in fact, work more efficiently when they work the same time and with the same people. Not to mention that some people work 2 jobs as the article mentions. We would probably loose 90% of our cashiers with such a crackhead system.

      These new ideas are probably going to last as long as the policy about not using shopping carts to stock merchandice and store cardboard. That one lasted 3 hours because nothing could get done. There where not enough of the "rocket" carts for everyone and it is impossible to use them for stacking empty cardboard boxes. People said. "Screw this" and went back to using the shopping carts. If the 800 number thing goes through I'm gona call the 800 number first and then call the store.

      The biggest problem is that they don't fix what is broken and "fix" what isn't broken. I think they are trying to centralise what is best left up to individual stores.

      /Off my soapbox now.
      //Would probably walk out too with these BS policies.
      "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


      • #4
        I am part of a union and my schedules are never the same. Picking up the kids, planning doctors appointments? I gotta figure it out on a week to week basis. We are also never guaranteed 40 hours a week. Even being union, if I walked out like that I'd be fired.

        Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


        • #5
          You know, they just changed everything at my store. The calling the 800 number is in place now. It doesn't make call that, and you STILL get transferred to the store and have to talk to a manager. The home office is going to start doing the schedules soon. I'm scared to death cause I can't come in at all times of the day. I just know I'm going to be scheduled when I have class, and I can't be at work. The second I graduate...I'm out of the store. I can't stand it. There are too many new things to deal with. We have the ETF thing now...we finally got the card readers where they sign on the machine. Our full time hours was 36 hours...I'm just part time so I don't have to worry about that. But they never make us work during breaks, lunches or after we're done working at our store. So there's a plus...but everything else sucks.


          I should mention that wages are going to be capped. The people who have been at my store for 15-20 years are over that cap already, and they're going to have a pay drop, just to try to force them out of the store. Oh...and we're getting uniforms too: khaki pants and a blue shirt. Can you say Best Buy? Or a Target with a blue shirt intead of red?
          Last edited by zeoquean; 10-31-2006, 01:50 PM.
          "I'm not even supposed to BE here today!"


          • #6
            Home Depot had the computer scheduling thing going though.

            I worked there at orange store...and was going to school. The store managers said since I was not available for M-F any shift work, I would be cut down to PART Time.
            It was based on a software going on last year's sales per day, traffic per hour.

            So a schedule for 2004 would be based on the same week/day of 2003 and figure out what shifts/people were needed. Great idea, LAME LAME working.

            The other people in the dept i was in all agreed they were willing to work specific shifts, and went forth to the Mgr about it, saying, hey, we all can work these, dept is covered, just go with this please.

            Mgr said no, need to follow the software. And it put us in the dept on the shifts we'd talked about. :P

            I got back at them tho. Since they cut my hours and put me at Part Time, I went to the State dept of Labor, and explained that I was Under employed. WEnt thru some questions, and State decided since I was avail for 40 hours per week (even w/ classes) that I was eligible for Underemployemnt money.

            Oh lord were Managers pissed!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
            and they had to pay it.

            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


            • #7
              dont make me laugh

              ive been walmart for lil over year. got hurt and havin to fight to get this straightened out. nut the changes they makin oh my. no rizers to put extra on. takin out layaway these ppl need help. dont they realize their killing the store. ppl gonna go where they can make a layaway. wudnt u?
              I Have Nothing But The Thoughts Of Uselessness


              • #8
                Am I the only one who can't understand what dawntazz is saying?
                "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


                • #9
                  Quoth Crosshair View Post
                  Am I the only one who can't understand what dawntazz is saying?
                  No, you aren't.
                  "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                  "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                  • #10
                    I can, but if you don't like a person's posting style, perhaps the more polite way of going about it would be to either PM a mod, or perhaps the person in question next time, or here's a thought, just don't read the friggin' posts.


                    • #11
                      ppl gonna go where they can make a layaway. wudnt u?
                      If I did, I'd have no place to shop at. Except maybe K-Mart, which is just disgusting. Even worse than most of the Wal-marts I've been to.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

