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6 year old "learned" to drive from video games

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  • 6 year old "learned" to drive from video games

    Police say the boy was in a hurry to get to school

    The parents of a six-year-old boy in the US have been charged with neglect after the boy drove their car for 10km in an attempt to get to school on time.

    Police in Virginia said the boy, who was not named, took the keys to the car after he missed the school bus.

    He drove for six miles (10km) on major roads, weaving through traffic and overtaking slower cars, before losing control and going off the road.

    The boy told police he learned to drive by playing video games.

    Protective custody

    Police said the boy was so intent on getting to school after failing to make the bus, that he got the keys to his father's Ford Taurus and took the wheel himself.

    "When he got out of the car, he started walking to school. He did not want to miss breakfast and PE," said Northumberland County Sheriff Chuck Wilkins.

    His road trip came to an end only after he ran off the road several times before hitting an embankment and utility pole. He was not, police said, wearing a seat belt.

    He was treated for minor injuries at a hospital before police took him to school.

    It happened at 0740 on Monday, while the boy's mother was still asleep.

    Both of his parents have been charged with endangering their child. He and his four-year-old brother are now in protective custody.

    wtf was he thinking?

  • #2
    He's a six-year old boy. Logic isn't necessarily a major function of the six-year old brain. He was probably thinking, "I missed the bus and don't want to be late. How do I get there fast? Driving. I know how to do it." So he did it.

    It's pretty damn impressive that he got as far as he did, too! Smart kid, that's for sure.


    • #3
      I'm surprised he wanted to get to school THAT badly.
      Don't most kids like missing school(I think I'm an exception, I had like..11 years perfect attendance)..
      But most kids are like "No school today? Yes!!"
      At least he wasn't hurt badly...And hey, still made it to school.


      • #4
        Notice it said in there that he didn't want to miss breakfast? I think THAT alone was the real reason as to why he drove to school. But to charge the parentswith neglect? Thats a little far...up to this point there probably wasn't a time when he missed the buss and Mom only got up when the younger brother had to get up.


        • #5
          It happened at 0740 on Monday, while the boy's mother was still asleep.
          this is the reasons right there the parents got charged with neglect and the children removed from the home. a 6 and 4 year old should be supervised in the mornings. why was Mom still asleep while a 6 YEAR OLD is getting ready to go to school????? and where was Dad in all of this??
          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


          • #6
            Well if dad had a job like mine a couple of years back he was already woking at 6am, mum still being in bed though, unless she was dead sick I don't see an excuse for.
            If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


            • #7
              Perhaps Dad was supposed to be home at that time and up with the kids? I love how it's focused on Mom and for all we know she could have gotten home from work at 4am and it is dad's responsibility to take care of the kids in the morning.

              Or what about a power surge in the night and they didn't get up in time and yet the kid is clockwork?


              • #8
                See now we have more of the story so yes I agree the kids need to be placed with reletives due to this error...but from what I understand once the kids go to non-reletives...they are HARD to get back.


                • #9
                  Am I the only one who's wondering...



                  I gotta give the kid props through for managing to drive that long without an incidient. A lot better than some licensed drivers I know!


                  • #10
                    If, like most American cars, it has automatic transmission, he would only need to reach the accelerator in order to move the car fairly quickly. This is usually quite easy to press, and he wouldn't need to put it to the floor, either.

                    The trouble would come when he needed to brake, and doubly so if he tried to use the wheel to steady himself and fell off balance. This probably explains why he spun out.

