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  • WOOPS!

    Yeah, the Port Royal got stuck on a sand bar.
    I'm betting they'll be having a change-of-command ceremony soon....

    And o, dang... right after dry-dock? Well the crew might be happy (once they get off the ship that is). Maybe they'll get stuck (no pun intended) in port a little longer while they examine the ship for any damage, I'm betting.

    Though I'm pretty sure Deck division is pissed... "WTF?? We just painted that!"

  • #2
    Yes, my dad said the same thing when he heard it..."well, there goes the CO. He might as well walk the plank."

    How embarassing!


    • #3
      the poor thing is still stuck...


      • #4
        The $1 billion ship ran aground Thursday night while carrying guests that included a rear admiral.
        Double whoops
        If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


        • #5
          Proving once again that "Military Intelligence" is an oxymoron.

          I keed, I keed!
          I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


          • #6
            "So Captain, what are you going to do when we get into port?"

            "I'm heading for the nearest bar!"
            "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


            • #7

              And for an update they got her free!

              The Port Royal was being towed to Naval Station Pearl Harbor for inspection.
              Yeah I'm not surprised. heck, I wouldn't be surprised if she got some more drydock time, though it's a bitch to get.

              I just feel bad for the crew cos I *know* they're going to be stressed and tired.
              I was on the Port Royal for a few years... so I know how sea trials and important inspections can feel.


              • #8
                Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                "So Captain, what are you going to do when we get into port?"

                "I'm heading for the nearest bar!"
                Isn't that were they've just come from...?
                A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                • #9
                  And ... well we did predict it would happen

                  Commanding officer of USS Port Royal relieved

                  and ooo yeah Port Royal's props, sonar bulb damaged in grounding
                  well that sucks. i'm not surprised though. ... and it looks like my dry-dock prediction was right too.

                  oh but reading the article responses below that second article is... well i needed that laugh.

                  When did all this happen..? Was this problem near Oahu, Did the boat have sailors on it, or was it floating all by it's self.. Do you think Hollywood, will make a movie out of this boat stuff.
                  Yep! The navy sent the ship out into the harbor without a crew! Don't ask me how they lit off the engines, or how they offloaded half of this non-existent crew later... but yeah!

                  and no... hollywood doesn't give a crap. have you see the major motion picture of when we damaged the port shaft on her? ... exactly.
                  Last edited by PepperElf; 02-10-2009, 11:31 AM.

