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Stupid customer brings baby to see Crank 2

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  • Stupid customer brings baby to see Crank 2

    This story comes courtesy of (internet movie database)
    Turns out this lady had tickets to see the midnight showing thursday night to see "Crank 2 High Voltage". Well, her sister calls her and tells her she has an emergency and needs her to watch her baby (about a year old I guess), to which she agrees to do so.
    But of course, being as stupid and selfish as she is, she is not about to miss her movie for anything, so just as the title says, she brings the baby to the movie with her. Throughout the course of the movie, the baby naturally makes a few baby noises and proceeds to start crying because he/she is getting scared from the movie. Everyone in the theatre is getting mad and asking her nicely to please keep the baby quiet, and then they ask not so nicely. In her post of, she claims that everyone was rude to her and mad. Gee, I wonder why? Most of the other people who posted on criticized her for bringing the baby to an R movie and refusing to take him out or make much of an effort to keep him quiet.
    Ok, how easy would it have been for her to get a refund or an exchange on her tickets and go the next day? Well, we all know how stupid customers are, and she obviously didn't think straight at all. I've seen people bring in little kids, some under 5 to scary movies, and they refuse to keep them quiet, and then they wonder why everyone gets mad at them.
    While we're on the subject, I just wanna say that I feel bringing little kids to scary movies like this is just plain wrong and inconsiderate to others in the theatre, since you know they will get scared and obviously may start crying and making noise in the process. You wanna see a scary movie and you got little kids, then don't be a penny pinching cheapskate and hire a dam babysitter.
    Last edited by BowserKoopa1; 04-18-2009, 04:53 AM.

  • #2
    Hmm, I'm trying to categorize her and I'm stuck between two species.

    The "I'm the only sentient person in the world"-customer so the crying baby can't bother anybody but me.

    The "Glorious center of the universe"-customer. Firmly under the impression everything revolves around her, she can do whatever she wants and how dare any of the lower life forms complain.

    There is some overlap but there's the difference between stupidity induced inconsideracy en blatant arrogance. Hmm, I give up, she's a dumb b*tch anyway.

    Thankfully, a one year old can't understand the movie so it's just loud noises and flashing lights to be frightened of, nothing permanently scarred.


    • #3
      We've brought our 7.5 month old to the movies twice. Neither one was a scary movie though. We also went on a weekday in the middle of the afternoon, when the theater was pretty much deserted anyway. We also sat in an empty section and the baby just slept through the whole thing. The few times he was awake, we just held him and he was fine never made a peep. I know as he gets older we won't be able to take him anymore because he'll learn how to walk and talk more.


      • #4
        I never will forget the look of terror on a four-year-old's face who was seated directly behind me during Saving Private Ryan. The opening sequence had had an effect on me; but when I a child crying behind me, and turned around to see her sweet face displaying absolute fear while her mother told her to be quiet, I was more disturbed than that opening ever could have made me.
        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5
          Let me get this straight. One of those brain-damaged entitlement lunatics dumb enough to bring an infant to an R-rated midnight movie actually made some effort to justify this behavior? I may need to read the actual post, here...

          There's nothing I'd love to know more than what goes through the heads of some people at certain times. Is there further illumination?

          And I'll probably go see Crank 2 as well. I have a few extra brain cells I need to kill off. On the other hand, I'm 37 years old and it's highly unlikely that I'll start to wail in the middle of the movie. (Not entirely unlikely, of course...I did see Battlefield Earth...)

          Love, Who?

          ETA: Given the choice between going to see some action movie and taking care of my niece for a couple of hours, I'd pick the niece every time.

