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Stephen Hawking in the hospital

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  • #16
    Quoth PepperElf View Post
    i figure he was on the mend... the official site pulled down the blurb about his recent illness and went back to the regular format.

    reading the stuff about him on his web page.
    and ... it's odd but i never realized he was British. of course... his speech-synthesizer doesn't do accents i guess
    I remember a quote in a book for a class about education and disabilities where he was talking about the synthesizer. Said that the only problem with it was the lack of the proper British accent.

    I hope he is able to recover - he is truly a treasure.


    • #17
      well you know... with all the work they've done on voice synthesizers, I think they could give him the right accent.

      Though by now everyone's use to his current voice, so I'm not sure if he'd go for it.

      But it's a possibility. I mean heck, with Apple voices, they even have one that sounds realistic enough it takes a breath (Alex).


      • #18
        My favorite Hawking story is a bet he made with a fellow colleague.

        He bet his friend 1$ that black holes COULDN'T be proven.
        He reasoning was....
        1. If black holes were proven then his theory's were right, Yay.
        2. If they couldn't be proven then at least he got a dollar.

        Wonderful sense of humor!

        Seduce, Let Loose, The Vision and The Void - Coil

        All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain - Blade Runner

