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Faith, was it a joke?

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  • Faith, was it a joke?

    I have watched it over and over, and I'm still not sure.

    She probably did think she was going to win, but it could have just been a joke, mugging for the cameras. Kind of giving them the reaction they wanted.

    I would hate to think anyone would be such a poor loser.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Apparently Faith was "joking" and making fun of Kanye West when she did this. Kanye rushed the stage at the MTV Europe Awards earlier this week to complain that he hadn't received the award for Best Video (as the winner was accepting the award!). Don't have a link handy, but Kanye was definitely a sore loser, so I think Faith was playing on that. Still a little twisted, if you ask me.
    Not all who wander are lost.


    • #3
      CNN story
      ludo ergo sum


      • #4
        Some "joke".

        It's standard operating procedure for the losers at these awards ceremonies to give a polite smile and applaud the winner. Why on Earth would you want to make yourself look like a sore loser as a joke?

        I don't think she was joking. Faith Hill has always struck me as being something of a "diva" and was probably upset at losing to somebody who owes her entire career to "American Idol". Not to say she was justified, but that's what I think happened.
        Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 11-09-2006, 01:48 AM.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Honestly, that doesn't look like a joke to me. Even if it was, it's a pretty lame joke. If you have so much respect for your fellow nominees, as she claims to, why would you want to steal attention away from the winner in the first place by goofing around and causing a big stir like that?

          Frankly, I'd have more respect for her if she came out and said something like this...

          "Look-I wasn't joking. Wouldn't you be surprised if you were me and you lost to a kid from American Idol who was covering my songs a little less than a year ago? But honestly, good for her. She's talented, she's humble, and she won fair and square. Congratulations Carrie, and enjoy it while you can because I'm *totally* going to win next year. "
          "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


          • #6
            I thought she was joking myself. Maybe it was too much of a insider type joke. You pretty much have to be an idiot (if you follow and listen to country music) to think Carrie wasn't going to win.
            I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


            • #7
              Quoth LostMyMind View Post
              I thought she was joking myself. Maybe it was too much of a insider type joke. You pretty much have to be an idiot (if you follow and listen to country music) to think Carrie wasn't going to win.
              it was a joke, though probably too much of an inside joke to have done it on national tv and not have it misunderstood. i can't remember all the details, but it stems from something similar she did (again as a joke) a few years ago when she and tim mcgraw (her husband) were both up for awards in the same category and he won.
              My Space


              • #8
                Honestly, it was such a short clip anyways, that you really couldn't see her afterwards to see if she cracked up or continued with a tantrum. So, either way, meh.


                • #9
                  Eh, I don't like country music and I am not familiar with Faith Hill - However, I would love to see any Kayne West footage...that would be cool.
                  "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                  • #10
                    Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                    I would love to see any Kayne West footage...that would be cool.
                    If you go to that link, on the same page there is a link to the Kanye West incident.
                    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

