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traffic safety psa (extreme warnings)

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  • traffic safety psa (extreme warnings)

    Warnings - it's all acted but... even i came close to crying.

    contains acted car accidents killing children, mothers, boyfriends, wives... etc... and the looks of horror on the faces of the survivors

    basic messages (for those who don't want to watch):

    - pay attention while you're driving, cos if you start gawking at other things you'll hit someone.

    - and don't speed cos... if you hit someone you might make them hit someone else, or you'll fly out of control killing people inside the car and innocents around you

    - and that guys who speed have small cocks.

  • #2
    Fantastic video, absolutely spot on.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      If you like that, you'll like this montage of road safety adverts from New Zealand TV. I still cry watching it.

      Are road safety commercials in your own countries not as graphic? I see some comments about it. The montage is basically saying "Our graphic ads brought the road toll down". NZ has displayed some extremely gruesome and incredibly realistic road safety ads.

      The "Danny is dead" deserves a mention. Brilliant series. For months we watched progressive ads in a series about this rural community where Danny and his fiancee were getting ready for their wedding. We saw them and their families talking, chatting, going about preparations etc. Nobody knew what the ads were for. At the time it was THE major buzz everyone talked about - "What do you think those ads are for", because there was no product, no branding, no indication whatsoever. We got to know Danny and his family and friends and come to relate to them.

      Then in the last couple of ads, we discover Danny and his mates went out boozing, had a crash, and Danny's dead now. We see the family grieve. We grieved. We'd come to know Danny. It had FAR more punch than any ad I've ever seen before or since, partly because we'd gotten to know the character rather than a 30 second spot with a stranger's face, and partly because of the hype around "what are these ads for". It was actually pretty shocking.

      And NZers? Come on, join me - "It's the same day, David!" LOL


      • #4
        That was actually a brilliant video. Reminds me of some of the drunk driving scare-ads they showed us in high school before prom. Very sobering wake-up calls, they were.


        • #5
          I didn't watch, I'll take your word for it. I can't be seeing stuff like that. Freaks me out too bad.

          I did voiceover for a railroad crossing psa we made at Public TV. All I had to do for my part of the script was stand in an empty studio and scream into a microphone until my voice eventually failed.

          The sound of my own screaming, knowing what it was for, rattled me.


          • #6
            Just Friday, they did a pre-Prom drinking and driving slideshow with the coroner to talk to us.

            We saw a guy with his skull cap taken off and his brains of the road. A guy who was incinerated beyond recognition (he fell asleep because he was tired.)

            I started crying for the guy who fell asleep. He was a kid coming home from training to be a camp counselor. He was really tired and fell asleep. His car hit a gasline and he burned to death.

            The coroner went to tell his mom the news. The youngest brother walks in. The mom told the boy how his brother died in a car crash.

            "But mommy. They have to be wrong. That can't be my brother. He promised he would come home and play with me."

            Then they showed us Baby Crystal. Her mom gave birth to her and wrapped her up in a trash bag and left her out to freeze. The coroner found the dead baby girl and named her Crystal. To see that little coffin and then the dead baby was too much.
            "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

            I belly dance with tall Goblins!


            • #7
              Powerful videos.

              Our drivers ed instructior from high school did two things:

              1) He was never shy about showing pictures of car accidents - mostly including people that his students knew.

              2) They always did a pre-prom "shock" where they would stage an accident (no acual crashing but two wrecks) and would make all the people going to the prom watch it - the response, the emergency response, jaws of life, even putting some people in body bags.

              He didn't care about scaring us - he wanted us to realize the dangers.
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                my high school had an interesting way to avoid prom night drunk driving accidents, without any shock-vids: they had a better party. No booze there, but plenty of snacks and drinks and prizes, & the most popular people were volunteering to run it. party lasted until after sunrise.

                kinda the first rule of making someone do what you want them to... making it something they *want* to do.

                in one of my military schools every time we had a 3 day weekend one of the three E6 instructors would have the task of preaching traffic safety & sober driving. each week it was a different video, and the instructor would write his phone number (home & cell) on the board so that we'd have someone to call if we needed a lift. All three of them would say how they'd lost instructors or students in previous years. I remember one of them... he was always the one with the shorter temper... he wrote his number on the board and basically glared at us saying that he'd kick our asses if we DIDN'T call him. but they were all serious.

                sadly... it wasn't a 3 day weekend when one of the students decided to drive home from the bar after drinking. He didn't get into any accidents thank goodness but ... he did get to talk to Mr. Police Officer. And then he found out the rules in VA have changed for DWI. They don't just hold you overnight, they hold you for 2-3 days.

                Sure the instructors helped him out with getting him to his court cases and going to mast (yeah in the navy you can get punished by BOTH the civilian law AND the military for a single crime). But after that they started giving out "don't drive drunk" reminders weekly.

                Oh and he didn't mention it but... a previous co-worker went through the same thing. Only this guy was lucky... for some odd reason the military never got involved in his DWI, so he only had to deal with the civilian system. He left the bar, dropped his cell phone and when he bent over to pick it up he hit a curb... got the cop's attention...

                I think he'd been below the limit but since he hit the curb and had some alcohol in his system he was guilty. The courts ordered him to (on his own dime) put a breathalyzer in his car. Like what you see in "40 Year Old Virgin". The car won't start unless he's 100% sober. (and if I remember correctly they also paged him and whenever that happened he had to go blow in the car). He also learned that if the weather is too cold, the car won't register him as being sober... a couple of times he had to call for a lift cos it was too cold to test negative, and his car wouldn't start.
                Last edited by PepperElf; 05-04-2009, 04:51 PM.

