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Chuck E. Cheese's: Where teenaged punks can be punks

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  • Chuck E. Cheese's: Where teenaged punks can be punks

    This never used to happen when I had my birthday parties there....
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  • #2
    one person said they blame the company. i don't. i blame the idiots who go and fight over a stupid arcade game and throw metal objects around little children. what more can the employees do than call the cops when that starts to happen? i really don't like where this world is going


    • #3
      Yeah but you're talking about Milwaukee: A city notorious for mobs of children that go around and beat grown men to death and the parents scoff at taking responsibility for their own children when it happens.

      BTW I think that rent-a-cop's breaking the law. Wisconsin favors guns as much as Wal-Mart favors unions.
      Last edited by ditchdj; 11-11-2006, 02:46 AM.


      • #4
        maybe the fact that wisconsin voters voted in favor of the death penalty will scare some people into behaving....(yeah right)....

        ( i am in no way saying i support or do not support the death penalty, and therefore wish to not get into a poilitcal discussion. i was merely stating a fact that recently happened.....please don't be mad at me, mods!)


        • #5
          "When people envision a Chuck E. Cheese's, they envision a nice, pleasant safe environment," Zielinski said. "This Chuck E. Cheese's is anything but that, and I blame the company for that."
          How is it the company's fault that the customers are undisciplined hooligans? I'd say that's more the parents' faults. What should the company do, post armed guards at every corner, make it feel more like a prison than a play area?
          Last edited by XCashier; 11-11-2006, 03:09 PM.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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          • #6
            They apparently need to start banning the troublemakers and enforcing the bans before they get out of hand.

            And decent rent-a-cops in enough numbers to handle the problem are probably not a bad idea if they're having that much trouble.


            • #7
              Zielinski, who recently pushed for a truancy crackdown at a Bay View McDonald's, prompted by neighbors' complaints, said he will ask to have the Chuck E. Cheese's liquor license pulled when the city licensing committee meets in January.
              Chuck E. Cheese sells alcohol? How come the ones where I live don't?


              • #8
                Quoth Hempress View Post
                Chuck E. Cheese sells alcohol? How come the ones where I live don't?
                Because we live in PA. You and I both know we have some pretty strict alcohol laws. In fact, I didn't even know any of them sold alcohol. Wouldn't have expected it in a place for kids.
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                • #9
                  Quoth Hempress View Post
                  Chuck E. Cheese sells alcohol? How come the ones where I live don't?
                  Problably so the parents have soemthign to do other than, you know, be parents.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, can't even buy beer in convenience stores and liquor stores close at 9-9:30 PM. What a bummer. Makes for sucky out-of-state customers, too.


                    • #11
                      Back in the early 90's when I worked at CEC they served beer by the glass & pitcher, and also sold red and white wine, from a spigot no less. I'd often see parents get rip roaring drunk while attempting to take care of their children. I had very little faith in humanity when I finished working there.

                      I do remember one very strict rule that may have something to do with the problem in Milwaukee. If you were between the ages of 13-19 you had to be accompanied by a person 25 years or older. AND there had to be one adult per teenager. If you were, say, a 25 year who brought your 15-year-old sister/brother/cousin/etc. with you, that'd be ok. But if you brought 6 of the 15-year-old's FRIENDS then there better be 7 adults over the age of 25 in the total party. 7 adults + 7 teenagers. My managers were adamant about enforcing this rule and it cut down on the amount of teenagers hanging around the restaurant.

                      Incidentally, there were no rules for the 20-24 year olds. You could have 10 22 year olds getting wasted, eating pizza and playing the games, but if you were 22 why would you want to?
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                      In a minute there is time
                      For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

                      T.S. Eliot


                      • #12
                        and also sold red and white wine, from a spigot no less.
                        Wine from a spigot? Now that's classy.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Hempress View Post
                          Wine from a spigot? Now that's classy.
                          Yeah, you buy it by the box. I recommend Franzia (quite good for an everyday house wine.)

                          If you want added class, use Dixie cups.
                          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                          • #14
                            Quoth Melxb View Post
                            Incidentally, there were no rules for the 20-24 year olds. You could have 10 22 year olds getting wasted, eating pizza and playing the games, but if you were 22 why would you want to?

                            Hey, I'm 27, and the ONLY place to get a decent game of skeeball is at CEC.
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