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Jury Duty Fail

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  • #16
    I got a notice once, they told us to call this number every day to see if we had to appear the following day. I never did. I would love to serve on a jury!
    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


    • #17
      Quoth Megg View Post
      I got a notice once, they told us to call this number every day to see if we had to appear the following day. I never did. I would love to serve on a jury!
      Unless you get a highly interesting case, it can be rather quick and boring.
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #18
        I got called in my hometown, so went home from grad school and they settled out of trial.

        Last month I served in my county. It was insane - about 200-250 people are called on Monday and the same number on Wednesday. There's something like 35 courtrooms in the center and even with that large of a pool, most people ended up on a jury. Some even had two if they were shorter cases (you were there for a week).

        I was picked the first morning, we sat in the room and waited. Found out he plead out - good thing, since it was a case that had made National News and probably would have required seclusion! Called again that afternoon, placed on the jury. Case wrapped up that Friday.

        A lot of knitting was accomplished (there's a lot of dead time, even when on the jury in a court center like this one) and I enjoyed it. Would like to do it again. We were paid $25 a day plus I got regular pay from my work. Although the parking ate up a good third of the jury pay and then there were no fridges so you pretty much had to buy every lunch too.

        One guy I was on the jury with had been called up every 2 years like clockwork - this was the 3rd time. Another one had served on a Federal Grand Jury for a huge case (think Bernie Madoff way before Bernie Madoff) years ago. One week a month for 33 months! And he was in the 2nd group, the first had maxed out at 36 months! (You're only hearing evidence in preparation for inditements, (sp?) it's not a trial).


        • #19
          I think I'm fortunate. In Australia, as long as you are 18 and registered to vote, you can be called in for jury duty. I have never been called, nor have my parents, however an aunt of mine did. Shortest case according to her.
          Although my Criminology tutor once told me that he went to do jury duty and got as far as the courtroom itself before having to leave...something to do with the lawyer calling out three jury members for any reason.
          The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

          Now queen of USSR-Land...


          • #20
            Quoth fireheart17 View Post
            I think I'm fortunate. In Australia, as long as you are 18 and registered to vote, you can be called in for jury duty. I have never been called, nor have my parents, however an aunt of mine did.
            The only person I know who's done jury duty is one of my aunts! She spent two weeks jurying a murder trial.


            • #21
              I'm 35 and have never been called, neither has DH. We have only one friend in our group who ever has - twice I think.

              I dunno why people try to get off it. It's something different to do for a few days. Breaks the monotony.

