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I can't have it my way? Give me $100,000!

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  • I can't have it my way? Give me $100,000!

    Guy orders from BK, they forget to remove the items he requested removed. Hilarity ensues.

  • #2
    Now that is a serious case of the Gimme Pigs....
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


    • #3
      hmm, well if he got an allergic reaction I can understand his reasoning. However shouldn't the first step include talking with corporate? Or was that already done? It isn't clear what actually transpired between the bite and the lawsuit. No mention of any series of complaints and talking with management/corporate. They mention him having to miss work and having medical costs, which may have been exaggerated, yes, but maybe not. We don't have all the facts so please don't jump to conclusions on this one guys.
      Last edited by SG15Z; 05-12-2009, 07:34 AM. Reason: puncuation


      • #4
        If he really gets that bad allergic reactions from just one bite, what's he doing letting anyone else prepare his food anyway?


        • #5
          Is it even possible with pickle, onion, or tomato allergies? I know peanuts can be life-threatening, but I don't think most other food allergies are, are they? At worst a little blowing up, some puffiness, maybe a trip down to the local ER for a shot of some kind (and if you've got an allergy like that where's your own portable shot kit?).

          Frankly, if his reactions are that bad from one bite, he ought not to be eating there. Much as I'm all for everyone having the freedom to, he'd need every person who handled every part of that food item to have just put fresh gloves on and be using freshly cleaned implements as well. If they've sliced a tomato for someone else with that knife first, he's still in trouble.


          • #6

            this one at least has SOME merit to it...
            the guy repeatedly said he didn't want cheese... bit his burger and had an allergic reaction to the cheese right there in the restaurant

            he should have checked first yes

            i know what it's like though - i don't mean the allergic reaction but ... when you say something like "no onions" and all they hear is "onions" so they put more on. (that happened on my first ship in the chow line a lot, esp when I was sick & couldn't speak up)


            • #7
              my question is how do you not see tomatoes and onions on your sandwich or feel them in your mouth?


              • #8
                I have a raw tomato allergy, just causes my tounge to tingle a bit or burn, and in some cases ill throw up or have a little hives. medical bills occured, none with my allergy.

                I always look after ordering no tomatoes. I don't bite first since I know I have an allergy.

                Anyone who does not look first on a cheeseburger deserves the allergic reaction and any medical bills occured.
                My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                • #9
                  I'm wondering if I can claim I'm allegic to food that doesn't contain bacon to get them to give me extra bacon for free...


                  • #10
                    Quoth One-Fang View Post
                    Is it even possible with pickle, onion, or tomato allergies? I know peanuts can be life-threatening, but I don't think most other food allergies are, are they?
                    You can technically have a reaction to anything, I know one person who did while walking around a forest (no poison ivy/oak here remember). They never did work out what caused the reaction, and they've not had it since.
                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #11
                      Quoth One-Fang View Post
                      Is it even possible with pickle, onion, or tomato allergies? I know peanuts can be life-threatening, but I don't think most other food allergies are, are they? At worst a little blowing up, some puffiness, maybe a trip down to the local ER for a shot of some kind (and if you've got an allergy like that where's your own portable shot kit?).
                      Darkness, one assistant manager at the Gaming Store I used to work at, is highly allergic to Onions. He can't even touch them without him getting hives, his throat swells up, etc. He kinda likes to breath, you know?

                      As for me, I have a slight allergy to onions. Basically, they upset my stomach and I'm in the bathroom for a while after eating onions. It doesn't stop me from eating them though. I have this love-hate relationship. I love them and they obviously hate me. But for me, a minor discomfort is something I can live with.

