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PG Porn (NSFW)

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  • PG Porn (NSFW)

    Well, technically, it's sorta safe for work (if work doesn't mind you listening to a couple of curse words and some bleeped out words).

    It's basically the porn without the sex.

    The link to all 4 videoes

    The video "Nailing Your Wife" has Nick Fillion in it.

    The video "High Poon" has Alan Tudyk in it.

    They're hilarious.

    Mr. Rum though "Helpful Bus" was boring, but I found it amusing.

    Also, forgot to add, but each video is has a commercial for Adam & Eve at the beginning of each - nothing too scanadlous, but didn't want anyone being surprised.

  • #2
    Just watched High Poon. Gotta say, that was pretty good.

    I've got grape soda and fritos...
    Last edited by Greenday; 05-17-2009, 03:39 AM. Reason: grape soda and fritos
    "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


    • #3
      Bloody brilliant work.

      I thought we were doing double entendres

      I think nailin your wife was the best followed by High Poon, but then I'm a fan of Serenity and Alan Tudyk in general so I might be a bit biased.


      • #4
        P.S. - Roadside Ass-sistance was AMAZING!!!!! Haven't laughed that hard in awhile.
        "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


        • #5
          I was laughing so hard I cried.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            Omg, im only up to 30 seconds in 'nailing your wife' and i can stop laughing, Love Nathan looking down to find his mark on the floor. Best porn ending ever.

            High Poon, The 'director' James gunn is the guy from that reality show 'Scream Queens'? And that was how he treated the actresses during their shots, Too funny.

            Ah it seems that James Gunn is the guy who made all these. In 'Helpfull Bus' one of the girls was a contestant from "Screen Queens"

            Those were great. Very funny, Thanks for posting.

            Seduce, Let Loose, The Vision and The Void - Coil

            All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain - Blade Runner


            • #7
              You're welcome everyone!

              My husband was embarrassed that I posted these here. He thought everyone would be offended. Yeah, Mr. Rum is weird.

              'High Poon' is definitely my favorite. Alan Tudyk is now one of my most favoritest actors of all time! LOL

              And 'Helpful Bus' is just too much. Especially when they take the Little Old Lady and put her in the van. I don't know ... that one just tickled the funny bone.


              • #8
                "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                -Jasper Fforde


                • #9
                  my favorite one is this (NSFW!!!!)
                  pg porn "squeal happy"

                  it's from James Gunn's webpage

