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Sen. Edwards Wants Special Treatment

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  • Sen. Edwards Wants Special Treatment

    Apparently, Senator Edwards wanted a PS3. He also figured since he's a senator and all, Wal-Mart would just let him have one without standing in line. My favorite part? Wal-Mart's statement:

    "While the rest of America's working families are waiting patiently in line, Sen. Edwards wants to cut to the front."


    Source: Denied!
    I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....

  • #2
    He's not a senator. North Carolina's senators are Richard Burr and Elizabeth Dole. This article sounds kind of fuzzy, if you ask me.
    Drive it like it's a county car.


    • #3
      Edwards is the former Senator from NC. He left the senate after one term. An omission of one word from the article.

      Still highly entertaining.
      Everything I do goes through...

      Think About It Central


      • #4

        Apparently a staff member called and asked for the PS3, without knowledge or consent of the Edwards family after he overheard Mrs. Edwards saying that she wanted to get one for the kiddies.


        • #5
          The reason it sounded a little off to me is that there's been an ongoing smear campaign against Edwards ever since he gave up his day job to run for vice-president.

          Politics as usual, I suppose. Makes me wonder why I ever want to get into it in the first place.

          I doubt saying that an aide was responsible will stop any criticism.
          Drive it like it's a county car.


          • #6
            I suppose that's business as usual these days. I was working with a floater pharmacist the other day that tossed off the "Gore claimed to invent the internet" blab. He got an eye roll and reminder of how things can get distorted in the media.

