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Combine Kitty

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  • Combine Kitty

    A kitten got run over by a combine and found by some boys before nature took her course. Howard the Combine Kitty is currently being held at my old hometowns shelter and through donations is being cared for at the MSU Vet Clinic.

    Link 1-The First Story
    Link 2-Update to the start of the story
    Link 3-Update to the Update

  • #2
    First, beautiful cat.

    Second, it's amazing how many miracles happened from this story.

    1) The kitten survived not only being hit by the combine but survived a week with catastrohpic injuries.
    2) TWO BOYS aged 8 and 10 found it. You know they were raised right because they rescued the cat and we're reading about it. IMO most today would either ignore it or torture / kill it.
    3) The outpouring of support for a kitten. We humans are very wierd. We turn the other cheek when we see a homeless person, we cut back because the economy is bad and we can't afford luxuries yet we still, even in hard times, open up our bank accounts to help a small kitten.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      Awwww, what a cute kitty! That is amazing, not only that he survived on his own with those injuries, but also that the kids rescued him. Those boys deserve some recognition.
      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


      • #4
        that's a cute cat

        it reminds me of one of my x boyfriends.
        he found a mangled cat and brought it to the vets. they had to take one leg off.
        So he named it Tripod.

