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Granny get your gun....or not.

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  • Granny get your gun....or not.

    So I'm sure y'all heard about the little old lady that was shot dead in her home in a drug raid last week after she apparently managed to shoot about 3 of the cops forcing entry, although if you didn't hear about it, then

    However, the plot thickens. Apparently, the Atlanta narc squad said that an informant had told them that he'd bought cocaine from this lady's house, even though on the raid that killed her there was none to be found. NOW he's saying that the police asked him to lie to help cover up the death of the woman.

    It'll be interesting to see how this story unfolds. It's also funky how she goes from being 92 to 88? What's up with that?

  • #2
    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
    It's also funky how she goes from being 92 to 88? What's up with that?
    The first reporters on the scene asked the neighbours how old the lady was, and they said 92, so they printed it. After a bit of investigation, turns out the lady's pension book/bank/social worker says that she's really 88, so the police just stick that in their press release.
    A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
    - Dave Barry


    • #3
      Yea, there is really no need for these "dynamic entries" unless there are hostages. Turn off the water to the place and knock on the door. If they can destroy everything in one flush, it isn't worth it. Quite a few people die or are hurt because of cops wanting to justify their funding and apear tough on crime.

      Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

      It used to be that evidence used to obtain a warrant had to be admissible in court. Also, people have the right to confront their accuser. If some crackhead says that I sell drugs out of my house, I darn well better be able to get his or her name and get some time to discuss this matter. Nowadays that person becomes a faceless "informant" who is probably lying their butt off to get a charge against THEM dropped.

      Don't get me wrong, I don't hate cops and even know a few who go to the firing range I belong to. However, I am rightfully suspicious of anyone who can haul me off to some jail cell against my will. Just reading some of those stories makes my BS detector go off the scale. (Like a resident calling 911, police call it a "cover".) Just look at the case of Cory Maye. That is a sad story all around, though he did get off death row he should have never been charged with anything in the first place.

      It is common sence. Do they really expect to break into someones house at 3AM dressed in black outfits and NOT get a reaction from the person inside? People have DIED because police raided the WRONG HOUSE. I don't see how people can support this.
      "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


      • #4
        because people are stupid.
        They think if they dont support this, theyll have criminals beating down their doors.
        But on the flip side, when you DONT support this, if the cops are crooked enough with enough pull, well when the criminals are beating down your door, it might take the cops longer to get there.
        OR the cops will start to harass you, theyll pull you over for the tiniest thing, and then go as hard as possible on you, suddenly applying laws they wouldnt apply to anyone else, or theyll try to bring up false charges and rectify them with false evidence.

        But again this is just the crooked cops. Not the nice ones.
        Cyberpunk mayhem!


        • #5
          Just be sure to NEVER consent to a search of your car, home, whatever. You are under no obligation to let them and the only reason they are asking is that they do not have probable cause to search otherwise. If you consent, you loose several legal protections. If you do not consent, they MUST be able to justify why they searched the car. If you consent, then they do not have to.
          "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


          • #6
            The one main mistake the lady made was shooting the officers. This was a mistake because the police had announced themselves as police and there were blazes (lettering) on their uniforms as such. When told by several men with pistols and SMG's to drop the shot gun, she shot them instead.

            While I don't agree with what they did, sadly the state is more than likely going to decide that they (the officers) acted in self defense.
            Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


            • #7
              The problem is that the "announcement" often occurs at or after they kick in the door. Just watch cops enough and you will see what I mean. In this case they got a "special "no knock" warrant, which allowed them to enter the home without warning." So basicly you would be asleep and have people burst into your house. That is known as "Home invasion" and in the US you have every right to shoot the criminals entering the home until the threat is eliminated, either by them running away or them becoming incapacitated.

              Many people, myself included have very poor eyesight without glasses or contact lenses. Others are hard of hearing. Thus wearing a police jacket and yelling "POLICE", both of which can be done by anyone who has a jacket, some fabric paint, and a voice, does no good.

              So basicly, these cops knowing engage in actions that risk serious injury or death to people around them. (Who are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.) In the US that is also a serious crime known as "Reckless Endangerment".

              What reasonable person places the blame on this lady. Her home was invaded and the search warrant was obtained using evidence that likely would never withstand 2 minutes of cross examining in a courtroom. It has been common to use "informants" like this for a long time. Often the accused fundimental rights are violated in this never ending war on drugs some people don't like.

              Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution
              In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.
              Actions like this simply cannot be tolerated. Police are supposed to be held to a higher standard. Using questionable evidence, exessive and reckless force for a situation like this is unacceptable. How many more people must die before someone at the top figures out that this isn't a good idea.
              "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


              • #8
                Crosshair? This is going into debate territory. Feel like setting up a thread over at instead?


