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Dustfinger and Silvertongue

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  • Dustfinger and Silvertongue



    Yes i'm a geek.

    I won Dustfinger at the state fair and put him in a beta bowl but... goldfish are kinda messy and his tank was cloudy within 12 hours. So i got him a bigger tank with a filter, gravel, some decorations and moved him in.

    Then I got a beta to put in the beta bowl with some gravel and named him Silvertongue.
    I added a heater for Dustfinger and gave both of them some drops to keep the water clean.

    Dustfinger is pretty shy still, but Silvertonue well he's a beta... he didn't run from the camera like Dustfinger did.

    anyway there you go. Two fishies named after people from Inkheart.

  • #2
    Very pretty Pepper.


    • #3
      Off to get Dustfinger 2.0 I guess.

      I woke up this morning and he had swum underneath the filter and got stuck to it.

      sure it's jsut a goldfish but... yeah i liked him.

      Silvertongue is doing well. He likes the bloodworms I got for him.

      Update. Dustfigner 2.0 is home, along with a new tank. (I didn't realize you can get some pretty cheap 10-gal tanks...) The water filter is on the very bottom so he can't get stuck underneath it, and he has a new rock to hide inside, the bridge and a plant.

      Silvertongue's in the old tank with a plant. Maybe I should give him the bridge... I think I will. Dustfinger has a lot really.
      Last edited by PepperElf; 09-05-2009, 06:17 PM.

