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Wormhole opens over Norway!

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  • Wormhole opens over Norway!

    This strange spiral light phenomenon was seen early Wednesday morning in northern Norway, causing wild theories to go flying round the internet. (Space aliens? Large Hadron collider? Wormhole? The Tardis?) Seriously, imagine driving in to work at o dark-thirty in the morning and this is what you see. I'd wonder about my own grip on reality, I think.

    Click image for larger version

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    It turned out to be a Russian rocket launch gone wrong.

    Logical, but much less fun explanation here.

  • #2
    A more fun but less logical explanation.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      "We're receiving a transmission....from coordinates 343 x 27..."

      "The wormhole!!!"

      *garbled* "Starfleet Command....come in...."

      "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

      RIP Plaidman.


      • #4
        It's the Star Ship Enterprise pursuing the Borg to prevent them from changing the past so they can assimilate it. "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!!".....LOL!


        • #5
          it's the tardis spiraling out of contol!

          you beat me to it
          If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

          i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


          • #6
            Our imagination will let us see what we want to see.
            Quote Dalesys:
            ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


            • #7
              A missile caused that!? Kinda hard to believe, but whatever. Stranger things have happened..

              ETA: How much you wanna bet this event will be mentioned in a Doctor Who episode next season!


              • #8
                I wonder what would Professor Arturo have to say about all of this?

                (Personally I don't find it as interesting as nuclear weapons detonated very high in the atmosphere, via footage from Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie)
                "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                • #9
                  No no no! It was the Time Vortex ... the Doctor must have been passing through.


