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Foiled by fashion, or plain stupidity?

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  • Foiled by fashion, or plain stupidity?

    Gotta love it. Probably foiled by stupidity, not fashion, since it seems around here that only males are the ones afflicted by the "belt under the ass" bug.

  • #2
    Overloaded Pants End Shoplifter's Escape

    Dec 8, 4:23 PM (ET)

    LAPEL, Ind. (AP) - A teenager arrested for shoplifting had filled her pockets with so many items that her weighted-down pants dropped to her ankles as she tried to run out of the store, police said.
    Reposted in case the article goes down.
    Last edited by Rapscallion; 12-09-2006, 04:04 AM.
    Ubi dubium ibi libertas: Where there is doubt, there is freedom.


    • #3
      Edited in case anyone feels like launching a copyright suit.

      Please don't just cut and paste entire articles onto here, folks. It's unlikely to cause a lawsuit, but I don't want to risk it and I don't want people stealing your tales without your permission, hmmm? It's a bad precedent.

      Just wondering if they got this on CCTV.



      • #4
        At the Madison County Jail, a deputy removed a can of Nesquik that Dwiggins had placed in her crotch, according to court documents.

        Well....I guess they'll be damaging that item out then....

        What a wierd assortment of stuff to steal, though. I wonder if she was all there?


        • #5
          I love this.

          These idiots wearing their pants down around their knees, like they have a loaded diaper in there, deserve to lose their pants. Laws of physics and all that.

          I had a coworker at Kinko's used to wear the low pants. His weren't too bad, but I could still tell what color boxers he had on. They weren't huge, but it was enough it gave me something to pick on him about (he and I had a campaign of good-natured hassling that we used to subject each other to).

          I used to wait till he had his arms full of something, then go up to him and grab his pants at either side of the waist. He would panic, thinking I was going to pants him.

          I never would do that to him, but he wasn't sure of that, so he panicked every single time. I let him stop me in such a way that he thought if he HADN'T stopped me, I would have gotten him that time.


