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WHen did 4-year-old boys became nasty old men?

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  • WHen did 4-year-old boys became nasty old men?

    I actually heard about this story on the Rush Limbaugh radio show. (yes, I do listen to him occasionally). Anyways, according to the story, a 4-year-old boy hugged a Teacher's Assistant and rubbed his head against her chest.

    My daughter, who is 3-years-old, does the same thing to me, my dad, my mom & my husband. She does this especially when she's tired and wants to be held as she's rocked to sleep. This doesn't mean it's sexual, it's usually meant to be a comfort to her.

    I do know she hugs her teachers at her pre-school. She loves to hug one particular teacher, but the teacher doesn't mind, she happily hugs my daughter whenever she can.

  • #2
    The TA is the one with the problem not the little boy. Jeez the kid could have been wiping his nose off on her, gross I know, but I have a kid who did that. It isn't sexual for god's sake it's a kid being a kid.
    Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

    I'm a case study.


    • #3
      What the... 4 year olds don't even have... what.. I'm at a loss of words. A child of that age has no idea what sex is or any idea what they could be doing has sexual connotations...

      That TA needs a slap to the head.


      • #4
        Who wants to take bets on whether he has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life?
        No good news is good bad news


        • #5
          That TA must be a pedophile if she's assuming that normal child behaviour is sexual. I say report her and have her investigated.
          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
          My DeviantArt.


          • #6
            omigosh, does that mean that when my dog humps my leg he wants to sexxor me? /sarcasm
            Good grief people, he's FOUR YEARS OLD - he's JUST figured that that he can pee standing up! the TA has issues. deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep seated issues!
            The report button - not just for decoration

