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Restaurant Shift Turns Into Nightmare

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  • Restaurant Shift Turns Into Nightmare

    This is the absolute worst thing I have ever heard of happening to an employee.

    Hard to believe the assistant store manager wasn't actually "in on it" when you consider what she gets her boyfriend to do.

    I sure hope the employee wins a good settlement in this case because I don't know how you'd ever be able to work again if this happened to you.
    Every day at work is the new worst day of my life.

  • #2
    For a minute I said, How can this crap be happening AGAIN.
    then i noticed the date.

    It still boggles my mind.
    I would have said, If your a cop, come down here and prove it, ill have them stay in the office.
    Im not the smartest peanut in the pile, but for the love of gord, if i was asked to strip search a fellow employee by a person on the phone, i would have told them to go to hell.
    Cyberpunk mayhem!


    • #3
      Oh, for pete's sake.

      We have EITHER a pervert on the phone, with an accomplice in the store, and a victim so stupid and easily pushed around she might as well be a lump of mud


      A pervert on the phone who has figured out the entire store is full of idiots so stupid and easily pushed around they ALL might as well be lumps of mud.

      C'mon. Really, come ON. Nobody would do this unless there was something wrong with them mentally.


      • #4
        The idiots involved are dumber than shit and the prick on the phone is the world's biggest pervert and voyeur. The people involved deserve life in prison for that and let's hope that the pervert drops the soap multiple times. No amount of profanity can put how angry I am at this bastard.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #5
          I did a bit more reading on this and a lot of readers on other boards place blame on the girl. I think this is very unfair. She was an 18 year old girl, religious and brought up to respect her elders. She was working a job that she desperately needed to support her sick mum who had lost her job.

          I can see how this would happen to a naive young girl. 1st your accused of something you didn't do, so when they ask you so take your clothes off maybe you say yes thinking "I know I didn't do something wrong, I have nothing to hide, I NEED this job, if I just take my top off it will all be over". But then they make you take ALL your clothes off, and being half naked your vulnerable, your already in, so you do what they say. Then your clothes are taken away and your trapped. Two store managers have watched this and you trust them. It will be over soon, and besides you are trapped. No point in screaming for help, the managers are in on it, can't run away because your NAKED. Where are you going to go for help with no clothes, no shoes, no phone, no money, no car. Also, now there's a man TWICE your weight in the room.

          She was supposed to be a good worker, never a mark against her name. Since when is it a crime for an unexperienced, hard working girl to trust her managers? However, it is a crime to falsely imprison someone, strip search them, steal their clothing, spank them and force them to perform sex acts even if you think the police are ordering you to do it. When the girl questioned the orders she was punished more.

          It really is pretty sick for people to blame and ridicule the victim. She begged her manager for help, asked her to call the police. Apart from tackling her way past the person guarding her and uselessly screaming (uselessly because 2 managers, and another male employee already know she was being held naked against her will and weren't helping her at all) what was she supposed to do?

          She shouldn't have submitted to the search in the first place but as customers sucks board members we all know what can happen if you disobey management even when they are so very wrong.
          Every day at work is the new worst day of my life.


          • #6
            IMO, the "WTF is WRONG with you????" award here goes to the manager who cooperated with the caller in torturing her co-worker. What kind of vicious moron coerces a co-worker into undressing and assorted other humiliations just because an unidentified voice on the phone says to???? If said "manager" (who just opened up the restaurant to a MAJOR lawsuit by not bothering to bring her brain to work that day, it would seem) had bothered to switch on a few neurons, she'd have told the caller "come here in person and show me a badge before I do ANYTHING other than hold her here in the office for you". Makes me think she was a knowing, deliberate conspirator in tormenting the victim of this.
            "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

            "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


            • #7
              I agree with seanette on this one.

              It makes me sad to think that anybody would sumbit to this.
              I hope the asshole becomes someones girlfriend in prison.
              Things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do. I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew,that someday it would bring me back to you.


              • #8
                Special Patrol Group, I certainly do see your point. However, at some point, the victim had to be thinking that if she didn't cooperate she might be fired. And at some point, she decided getting fired was worse than getting molested and humiliated.

                I cannot imagine why she might think that she could or would even want to work for a place that did this to her. Frankly, and I'm not trying to be mean here, but I have to honestly wonder if she was not mentally handicapped in some way. I just cannot imagine someone submitting to this otherwise. And I also have a real hard time believing that the manager was not in on it.

                I remember being a right twit and an idiot at 18. But I can honestly say I have never been THIS clueless.


                • #9
                  While I can say "If that had been me, there'd be a few bruised-up managers on the ground", I know that not everyone is as worldly as me and certainly not as physically capable as I am, so even if the girl had tried to fight she might not have made it out. At the age of 18, yes, she SHOULD know better, but then again, hindsight is 20/20 and we all know how fast bad things can happen.

                  So far as the retard managers and fellow store employees, ROT, bitches. Just ROT. What kind of gorram moonbeam brain do you have to be to trust some disembodied voice on the phone for over two hours?? Even if they say they're a cop, no right and true officer on the force will fault you for saying "I'm sorry, but until I get a badge in my face, I can't believe anything you say to me on the phone." Hell, most of the cops I know will TELL you to do that! And to leave an employee alone in a small room naked for HOURS with men watching her? JESUS, how detached from your own brain can you possibly BE??
                  "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                  • #10
                    This has been happening all over the country. Some guy calls up, claims he's a cop and gets the manager to pull in an employee (in one instance it was a customer) and has the manager strip search the employee and sometimes has them do sexual acts. It happened here in Rapid a year or two ago at the 5th and Main Hardees. The manager was charged with sexual assault but since this Hardees doesn't have a camera in the office it came down to a he said/she said and he was found 'not guilty'.

                    I actually worked at that Hardees from 1989 - 1990 so I know how the office is set up. When I heard about this incident I was thinking 'is this manager a complete idiot?' because the police station is literally a 5 minute walk away - just go down the alley and there is the county courthouse, county jail and the cop shop. Cops don't do this kinda thing over the phone for god's sake! Anyone with an ounce of brain matter would figure it out.

                    20/20 did a story on the Kentucky McDonald's incident. The cops did catch the guy they thought was calling down in Florida - would you believe the guy was a corrections officer? The jury found the guy 'not guilty' but for the time the guy was off the streets there were no reports of a so called cop ordering managers to strip search employees.

                    The teenager is suing Mickey D's for $20 million. Sue the manager and her fiance, sure fine. Have Mickey D's send out a chain wide report of the incident and make sure every employee knows what happened and that it is illegal for the managers to do this, fine. But suing for $20 mil is a bit much.
                    Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                    I'm a case study.


                    • #11
                      I'm shaking with furious fucking rage. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT MANAGER?!?!?! Der, someone is a cop! Let stripsearch and make her doing oral sex!! That'll get teh purse back!!!

                      I cannot belive this. I cannot. That woman should be beaten within a inch of her life. Maybe then she grow a brain cell. And the dude? Who did that? OOOhh five minutes is all I fucking need for that sick ass bastard~!
                      Military Spouse Support.
                      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                      • #12
                        Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                        So far as the retard managers and fellow store employees, ROT, bitches. Just ROT. What kind of gorram moonbeam brain do you have to be to trust some disembodied voice on the phone for over two hours?? Even if they say they're a cop, no right and true officer on the force will fault you for saying "I'm sorry, but until I get a badge in my face, I can't believe anything you say to me on the phone." Hell, most of the cops I know will TELL you to do that! And to leave an employee alone in a small room naked for HOURS with men watching her? JESUS, how detached from your own brain can you possibly BE??
                        And of course, idiot "manager" did not bother in the course of all this, at various points when she was out of the office and away from the caller, to THINK about the situation? Yeah, right. Duration and the "in and out of the office away from the caller" factor are two major reasons I think the b*tch was a deliberate accomplice. Wonder if there's some history with her bullying people in the past?

                        I've never worked in fast food, but I would think that policy would dictate a fast call to someone upstream (franchisee, district manager, etc.) about accusations of employees stealing from customers. So why was no such notification made, again?

                        The idiot manager/accomplice's behavior in all this stinks on ice. Too many holes in it for me to believe she wasn't knowingly and willingly in on it.
                        Last edited by Seanette; 12-12-2006, 06:55 PM. Reason: correcting typo
                        "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                        "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                        • #13

                          That is truly awful. That's all I have to say.
                          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                          • #14
                            IIRC, this was posted here last year when it originally happened.

                            I can believe the girl was this naive. I was almost this naive myself. An extremely socially awkward person, I've had the wool pulled over my eyes more than a few times, though, thank God, never to this extent.

                            If the manager wasn't in on it, she is the most brain-rotted, concrete-skulled idiot on the face of the earth. If she was in on it, she is an evil, vicious hag who deserves the slammer. She has no business managing a Barbie Dream Kitchen, let alone a restaurant staffed by trusting teenagers, if she doesn't understand basic police procedure. For heaven's sake, the cops have the TRAINING to do this sort of thing and when they have to do a strip search, it is always in a private room by an officer of the same gender as the suspect. They would NEVER ask a civilian to assist in a strip-search. And they generally show up in person rather than call on the phone.

                            And the manager's fiance: he had to be in on it, the sick bastard. He and the caller both deserve a fun ride through Mister Chipper.
                            Last edited by XCashier; 12-23-2006, 02:11 PM.
                            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                            My LiveJournal
                            A page we can all agree with!


                            • #15
                              Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                              I remember being a right twit and an idiot at 18. But I can honestly say I have never been THIS clueless.
                              Yeah she probably was mentally handicapped in some way whether it is an emotional problem or some kind of intellectual problem that made her prone to obeying authority or not thinking it through better. But I think that just makes it worse for people to belittle her when we should be caring and looking after those weaker than ourselves. Not that I think you are ridiculing or belittling her; I see that you are just wondering how this could happen.
                              Every day at work is the new worst day of my life.

