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Sucky Customer on Yahoo Questions

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  • Sucky Customer on Yahoo Questions

    Someone asks:

    If you buy something and later see it on sale for like $40 bucks cheaper (Target) can you get a refund?
    I've seen this before but I forget where or how to do it.
    I have Bank of America. I think they will do it but I'm not sure.
    I bought it about 2-3 weeks ago it's a prepaid cell phone. $130 now its $86

    SC (Claireag) responds:

    Here's what I'd do: (1) Bring your receipt to the store and see if they'll give you an adjustment; if not (2) buy another one at the sale price, then return it with your old non-sale-price receipt. (I do it all the time, especially at Target). If you have a credit card, best to purchase it that way, because if you lose your receipt, they can look up your purchase using your credit card.

    So you yahoo-ers on here heads up!

  • #2
    Here's what I'd do: (1) Bring your receipt to the store and see if they'll give you an adjustment; if not (2) buy another one at the sale price, then return it with your old non-sale-price receipt. (I do it all the time, especially at Target). If you have a credit card, best to purchase it that way, because if you lose your receipt, they can look up your purchase using your credit card.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that fraud? If she was stupid enough to return it right after she bought it, or within a day or two, she could be recognized.

    The way you do it, if you absolutely have to do it, is return your old one with its receipt, get your money back, then buy the new one.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      It is, but unless it's something with a serial number, you can't prove it.
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #4
        It is something with an 11 digit ESN.....Good luck at tryin' to return that puppy...

        "Oh look...This brand new phone shows XXX calls dating from XXX date"

        "Oh look...the ESN doesn't match the one on the box..."

        "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

        Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.

