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Fire! Just southwest of Salt Lake City Utah (USA)!

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  • Fire! Just southwest of Salt Lake City Utah (USA)!
    National Guard firing range at Herriman, UT (southwest of Salt Lake, think small town just outside of the 'megacity' that SL is... or look on googlemaps "Herriman is a rural community on the southwest side of the Salt Lake Valley. It's flanked to the south and west by mountains. North and west are the valley's suburban communities, with a combined population of about a million." ) lit on fire, so now about 1.5k people have evacuated, 10k acres have been burnt, and it's still not officially contained. ("Fire authorities still considered the blaze to be out of control as of Monday morning, and could not estimate how much of it firefighters had contained, Salt Lake City NBC affiliate KSL-TV reported on its website.") Granted, there have been bigger fires, but it's next to a major freaking city!
    Smiley, I hope you're alright/not swamped with SC's. I seem to recall you live in SL proper...

    I live about 5~6 hours away from SL, and I haven't seen any smoke yet. Prevailing winds might not be in favor, either...
    Read the article, it's some exciting stuff!
    EDIT: also, I totally do not believe the "wildfire tracker" they have under the article. I know that some of those fires near me are totally out.
    EDIT EDIT: also, omg love the name of the fire! "Machine Gun Fire!" If ya gotta name the things, do it right! None of this "J-145" stuff some places do...
    Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 09-20-2010, 06:45 PM.
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."