This is hilarious!! And rather relevant after I just spent my Xmas working in a jewellery store.
We had a few policies dealing with expensive items (i.e. diamonds and stuff over £100) in place, and I as the n00b learnt quickly to yell for a senior member of staff to deal with such a transaction. I also learnt the policy when some shifty character comes in, the just-in-case-he-decides-to-snatch one. Well this news report is just what heppens if you're numpty enough to try snatching from ring pads. Read here.
We had a few policies dealing with expensive items (i.e. diamonds and stuff over £100) in place, and I as the n00b learnt quickly to yell for a senior member of staff to deal with such a transaction. I also learnt the policy when some shifty character comes in, the just-in-case-he-decides-to-snatch one. Well this news report is just what heppens if you're numpty enough to try snatching from ring pads. Read here.