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Why its okay to hate some car salesmen...

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  • Why its okay to hate some car salesmen...

    And a follow-up article:

  • #2
    Modified your title to add the word 'some'.

    A fairly despicable act on the part of the scum involved there, but I don't think it reflects on the profession as a whole. I've heard of doctors who were convicted of delecto flagrante, and of accountants who biled their clients, and of... Maybe it's regional, but I hear of more tales such as that than I do of car salesmen.



    • #3
      I'll agree there was undoubted suckiness in this article. However, I am completely and totally against the lumping of an entire group into a category of "okay to hate".

      I'm sure it's okay to hate some video store clerks and some Target employees and some computer techs and... well, some of everybody. There are sucky people- customers and employees alike- everywhere you go.

      Personally, I think it's rude. Especially knowing that we have car salespeople (current and former) on this board.
      "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

      ~TechSmith 314
      HellGate: London


      • #4
        Wow, now I've heard some crazy stuff about this business before, but never to that extreme.

        However, you should be able to tell the difference there. In this case you're not dealing with car salesmen, you're dealing with CRIMINALS. It's one thing to "hate" salesmen because they may have sold you a car for more than you wanted to pay, or maybe it gives you problems down the road, yada yada...

        But to go to a mentally ill person's house and steal $70,000?!? That's insane. That's just wrong, and it's unfortunate it happened to be car salesmen guys who did it...

        Although I could come up with at least 10 articles on the internet of isolated events where someone in a certain profession did some heinous act, and could lump them all together. Nice find though, I'll have to print it out and show the guys at work this.


        • #5
          I don't think it reflects on the profession at all. These were criminals, parasites, and scumbags. That they happened to work as car salemen together simply put them in a position to pull off this crime.

          Had they been, I dunno, vacuum cleaner salesmen, or insurance adjusters, or really anything else, they would have figured out a way to pull off this crime.

