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Harry Potter Nude

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  • Harry Potter Nude

    No, this isn't a post with doctored photos of the Harry Potter cast.
    Daniel Radcliffe is appearing in a London show of "Equus," and in it he has a nude scene, and has posed for racy promo pictures.
    Is this a good career move? I think so. He'll be typecast as Harry Potter for the rest of his life if he doesn't do something else soon.
    Does it tarnish my image of him? Does it break the illusion? Nope. Not for me.
    The only thing that gets to me is that he's only 17 years old. Is that legal over there?
    Over here in the US, that could be considered child pornography/endangerment, etc

    What do you think?

    Story here:
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

  • #2
    I'm with you, Knight. He has to do something to break the mold that he has been cast in. He will forever be "Harry" if he doesn't go completely against type in something and soon. I agree about the age thing, but I don't know the laws.

    I am worried that due to the "backlash" the producers of the movies will be forced to find someone else to play Harry in the last two movies. I was very much hoping that they would at least keep the trio together, but this may throw a wrench in the works.


    • #3
      The young man is growing up. He can't be Harry Potter forever. And I think he looks pretty damn good in those pictures.

      He's nekkid! Deal with it!!!
      I question my sanity every day. Sometimes it answers.


      • #4
        Quoth Severen13 View Post
        And I think he looks pretty damn good in those pictures.

        Quoth Severen13 View Post
        He's nekkid! Deal with it!!!
        if by dealing with it you mean drooling then feeling creepy when I remember how young he is-then realising It's just a picture of a (hot) guy without his shirt and drooling again-I'm dealing with it!!!

        BlaqueKatt-he's not as cute without the glasses<sigh>
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          According to the Wiki, the age of consent in the UK is 16.


          • #6
            Certainly is. A newspaper got into trouble over here a few years back - they have 'page three girls' (in essence, a topless girl with a big smile). They put up a picture of a model on her sixteenth birthday, but enough people were clever enough to say "Hang on, she was below sixteen when that picture was taken. Police?"



            • #7
              I third that Daniel Radcliffe is quite good-looking. He's a heart breaker I'm sure... if I were 8 years younger...

              Yes, in the U.S., his participation in Equus would be a big no-no. He'd have to wait another year. 18 is the age at which we Americans are considered adult. Adult enough to be nekkid in pictures, adult enough to vote, adult enough to serve in the army... just don't buy beer!

              Age of consent really hasn't got anything to do with it by U.S. law. In Jersey, the age of consent for sex is 16. You still can't pose for nudey shots until your 18. Silly American laws...

              anyway- I think if he wants to make this career move, more power to him. He really can't be Harry Potter forever. It's not like he's performing in something questionable that any children would have a snowball's chance in hell of wanting to see. I mean, really? we all read the play description...can we say...weird? Parents need to stop being stupid about the whole thing. Besides- most of the kids that started out reading/watching the Potter series- ARE getting older now. Each book/movie gets progressively more adult in content (not in a racey sort of way...but those who have read/seen the movies KNOW what I'm talking about). So, the original fan crowd will soon be coming of age, or are close enough to understand that the boy in the movie is an actor- a human with a career- and not REALLY Harry Potter.
              Last edited by DesignFox; 02-03-2007, 05:45 AM. Reason: My brain is broken- I forgot something
              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


              • #8
                I say more power to him! He seems to be a level-headed young man with rather good acting chops. Plus, he's kinda hunky in a geeky way *drool*
                The report button - not just for decoration


                • #9
                  The thing that bugs me about the press is they're so wrapped up in the fact that Daniel Radcliff is nude they forget to mention his role in Equus is that of a guy with an erotic fixation with horses. The mind boggles when society accepts beastiality before nudity.

                  (and yes age of consent here in the UK is 16)


                  • #10
                    Yes, Equus is a time honored tradition in weirdness and Daniel Radcliff is just about the right age to play the disturbed young man who really loves horses.

                    Oh, and here's the play's official site:
                    Last edited by NightAngel; 02-03-2007, 02:45 PM.
                    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                    ~TechSmith 314
                    HellGate: London


                    • #11
                      Quoth Vennie View Post
                      The mind boggles when society accepts beastiality before nudity.

                      "we prefer the term inter-species erotica."-the sexy stud-Clerks 2*

                      *disclaimer-just throwing in an appropriate movie quote-I do not condone anything-ever except for not condoning things-I do condone that

                      BlaqueKatt-I've confused myself, maybe I should apply at "Confuse-a-cat"(cookies to those who get the reference)
                      Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 02-03-2007, 03:21 PM.
                      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                      • #12
                        He isn't much more naked on the pictures than in the bathscene in Goblet of Fire. I can't see why he shouldn't go on playing Harry Potter.


                        • #13
                          The thing that bugs me is that he can't act to save his life, and Equus is a great play and deserves a better star.

                          As for the nudie photos, ewww. Come back when you're a big boy, sonny. Apologies to all those who find him hot, but he really doesn't do it for me.
                          A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                          - Dave Barry


                          • #14
                            Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
                            The thing that bugs me is that he can't act to save his life, and Equus is a great play and deserves a better star.

                            As for the nudie photos, ewww. Come back when you're a big boy, sonny. Apologies to all those who find him hot, but he really doesn't do it for me.
                            Apology accepted . I think he does allright in the Potterfilms , he may have learned a thing or two in the work on them too. I wonder how many will go to see the play and how many to see Harry Potter nekkid.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mikkel View Post
                              I wonder how many will go to see the play and how many to see Harry Potter nekkid.
                              I was thinking that there are probably a whole lot of parents of 12+ year old girls who are hearing, "Pleeeaaase can't we go? It's a play so, you know, culture 'n stuff... right?"
                              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                              ~TechSmith 314
                              HellGate: London

