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The MySpace Thread (again!)

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  • BlaqueKatt
    cross paths with the "Katt"

    message first please-

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  • tacohuman
    i posted further back in the thread, but now my link is in my sig. i do eventually want to go through and send requests to everyone who i haven't already friended, but if you feel like beating me to it, that's ok by me

    at the time of my original post, my page was pretty boring. it's still not pretty, but i have at least started making use of my blog, which is what i use myspace for primarily. my blogs are pretty random, and many are very short, but i have a tendency to write whatever occurs to me at the time. i find it amusing, and i hope to amuse others with my rambling, so if you feel like taking a peek into the mind of a tacohuman, check it out. subscribe, even.

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  • FuzzyKitten99

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  • Jinxy
    Just a warning I tend to blog about really random stuff

    I have the business on MySpace as well

    Oh wait I bet both are in my sig. the heat must be affecting my brain.


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  • lumlite

    Yup, same name, pretty easy to remember.

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  • Heksubah
    Quoth Ree View Post
    It works fine in IE, but it looks like that in Firefox.

    It has to be my settings.

    Very odd.
    It's not just yours. I can't see it at all in Firefox, it looks just like the image you posted. If I switch to IE, though, I can.

    Oh, and to belatedly add my page up here:

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  • Bella_Vixen
    Here's me again. PM me here or message me on MS so I know who you are. I've been getting slammed with porn-types.

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  • ThePhoneGoddess
    Thank you, thank you. *takes a bow*

    The quote is from Raising Arizona, my favorite comedy. in fact, I should put it as my sig here...I think I'll do that.

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  • Ree
    replied the moment I am the computer moron, as I have no idea what to do so I can see it in Firefox. that I see it the way it's meant to be, it's beautiful. Nicely done.

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  • ThePhoneGoddess
    whew. i thought i was just a computer moron there for a minute. Very strange.

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  • Ree
    It works fine in IE, but it looks like that in Firefox.

    It has to be my settings.

    Very odd.

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  • ThePhoneGoddess
    hmmm...the boxes, when I load it, are a solid lilac color with black lettering. They stand out very clearly for me. Now I'm frustrated. I worked for hours on that damn page, getting it just the way I wanted it. Drat.

    The background is from an old 1920's Hollywood gossip magazine cover of Clara Bow. I think it's awesome.

    ETA: If you cant get it to work, lemme know, I'll take out the HTML code for a half an hour or so so you can look at the page plain. If you're interested, that is.

    EATA: WEIRD!!! I cant figure out how to send a thumbnail, or I'd send you one showing you what it should look like.
    Last edited by ThePhoneGoddess; 05-06-2007, 12:21 PM.

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  • Ree
    It's the writing and images in the boxes that I can't see.
    I guess my wording was a little confusing. The boxes are opaque, but the background still shows through slightly. (I love the background, BTW.)

    It just shows as boxes on the background, though.
    I kept waiting for the page to load, then I realized, in certain lighter spots, I could see a faint outline of writing and realized it had loaded.

    I don't know enough about MySpace settings, so I have no suggestions, but I'll play with my own computer a bit just in case it's me.

    This is what it looks like for me:
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Ree; 05-06-2007, 12:02 PM.

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  • ThePhoneGoddess
    That's weird, I made the boxes opaque. They come up that way for me, anyway. I can imagine how hard it would be to read if the boxes were clear. I don't know how to fix it for you...any suggestions?

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  • Ree
    Sorry, PhoneGoddess. Yes, I was talking to you.
    I should have used your name or quoted. DUH!! I knew who I was talking to.

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