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  • Reason

    This isn't really a political site, but it's an opinion site written from a libertarian perspective.

    What I've noticed about most right/left sites or books or magazines is that they seem to be written just for people who already agree with their viewpoint. If you share the viewpoint, you'll love it; if you don't agree, nothing you find will change your mind.

    When I started reading Reason, I didn't know much about libertarianism; just that they're in favor of legalizing drugs (which I disagreed with completely). What's surprised me is that beyond widening my worldview, the site and magazine actually made me change my mind about a lot of different issues.

    I realize there's a danger this thread will turn into a political debate, and if it does I'm sorry; that's not my intent. I'm posting the link because there's a lot of articles there that reveal a point of view you won't find ANYWHERE else. You probably won't agree with all of it, but if you spend some time you'll definitely find it thought-provoking.
    Lack of freedom can be measured directly by lack of stupid. --Penn Jillette