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  • Dear Mr. Rum's Mother,

    1. When I first I met my husband, your son, he was fat.
    2. When I married my husband, your son, he was still fat.
    3. Just because I'm more of a meat and potatoes gal (veggies are actually a figment of everyone's imagination), doesn't mean I've made him fat.
    4. Just admit it: You have a fat son. He was fat under your watch, and he just hasn't lost weight under my watch.
    5. No amount of "healthy meals" and "only one plate policies" are going to make him thin. I've tried both and you know what? 20 minutes later he's back in the kitchen making himself not one, but 2 pb&j sanwiches and/or eating a whole gigantic (family size) bag of chips. NOT. MY. FAULT.
    6. Your son is an adult. If he wants to eat a 9 course meal all by himself, he will do it, and you & I be darned.
    7. You have no say where we move to. If we want to move to Timbuktu, we'll darn well move to Timbuktu!
    8. If we actually moved to Maryland, you're not going to see Child Rum ever again. If the 2 hour drive to our house is too much for you now, do you really think you'll be making the trek to another state!?!?!!!?

    I'll probably be sending this in a letter to you. (But then again, you'd be able to pass it around to everyone in the family, adding fodder to what should be a personal fire and not a public one).

    Your Daughter-in-Law Rummy
    To my mother,

    Were you serious about me wrestling my Mother-in-Law, putting her into a headlock, and making her see my reason?

    Your Daughter Rummy
    Dear RP,

    Thank you for the extra sleep!



    • Dear Rummy,

      All I can do about my future mother in law is vow that I will never be a terrible mother in law. Sounds like yours is just as nice.

      Maryland is quite nice, though. If you ever move there, mayhaps you can kidnap me for a day when my visits to my family get too long.

      --Someone who understands

      Dear Self,

      Why do you insist on going to bed at the same time when you have to get up two hours early this week? Now I'm too tired to study for finals.

      --Very Tired Me


      • Dear TrailerParkMedic,

        Yay! Someone who understands!

        If we do move, I'll make sure to keep kidnapping you in mind.

        However, I don't have any advice on how to make you go to bed any earlier. Sorry.



        • Dear Sounders

          *starts to do the dance of joy* We get to keep our seats. We got our season tickets!!! Thank you for being such a great team and introducing me to a sport that I love!

          Now just need to figure out how to afford to go England and see soccer there.

          Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

          My blog Darkwynd's Musings


          • Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            Can I have some?

            Sure! *shares*


            Dear self,

            Procrastinating is bad, miss.

            1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
   (A blog about everything and nothing)


            • deeeeeear whorebitchface,

              sign the papers. omg sign the papers. sign them sign them sign theeeeem! and stop asking for a ridiculous amount of money. yoooou cheated on him and stole a few thousand dollars from him. why should he pay you alimony? there's no law in idaho that says he has to. you're being a dumbass, which is stressing him out and putting unneeded stress on our relationship. yanno what would be a really good christmas present? a DIVORCE! so sign the damn papers you bitch!

              hugs and chainsaws,

              your lawyer's just as dumb as you are. who the hell lets divorce papers just chill in the in box for a few months, totally ignored? i mean common!
              If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

              i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


              • Quoth Green_Fairy View Post
                hugs and chainsaws,
                I corrected it for you!

                Dear Boyfriend's Dad,

                I know you're trying to get things sorted out before you're too sick to do so. I know, even if my boyfriend doesn't, that "too sick to do so" is not very far off. I know my boyfriend is far more responsible than his brother ever will be. So, I understand why you want my boyfriend to take charge of everything. Could you please make this easier on everyone by setting aside a couple of hours to have one conversation explaining what you want done as far as medical care, your money, and the house? Having quick 10 minute conversations about a different thing every few days is really taking a toll on both of us.

                Your Future Daughter in Law


                • Dear CSers.

                  Well apparaently I have a retroverted uterus. Lovely.


                  Dear Csers again,

                  Well my new store is very lovely. A heck of a lot smaller and the staff are heaps friendly. I think I'm going to like it there.

                  The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                  Now queen of USSR-Land...


                  • fireheart,

                    A retroverted uterus sounds like no fun.

                    Yay on the new store being cool!

                    Last edited by RootedPhoenix; 12-03-2009, 10:34 PM. Reason: signing letters helps...
                    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
           (A blog about everything and nothing)


                    • dear fireheart

                      bah. who needs a normal uterus anyway?
                      yay awesomeness of the store kind!

                      If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

                      i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


                      • Dear Becks--

                        You are the best sister ever.

                        I thank you more then I can say.

                        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                        • Dear Lizziebeff,

                          You made me cry.


                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • Dear Me,

                            You better not be sick!



                            • Dear Fireheart,

                              Other than causing some interesting moments during birth and some odd sonograms, a retroverted uterus shouldn't give you much difficulty. Just make sure they don't talk you into a scheduled automatic c-section, as the scarring can cause more issues than a natural birth. I forget the numbers, but some ridiculously high percentage of women have a retroverted uterus.


                              Dear empty wine glass,

                              I know you hate me, but falling off my counter and breaking on my kitchen floor really affects the cats more than me. The poor things had to wait a whole twenty minutes for me to empty and clean their dishes, mat, and food area so they wouldn't end up with glass shards in them. DON'T YOU KNOW MY CATS ARE STARVING! TWENTY MINUTES! THE HORROR!

                              Resigned to eternally suffering hungry cats,

                              Dear New Fridge,

                              You are small, but you actually stay cool. Yay! Now to fill you with food...

                              Thank you for working,


                              • Dear Deranged Cyclist,

                                1. Get out of the fucking middle of the lane. You don't belong there, and if you keep on riding your fucking bike there, you will soon be squished flat.

                                2. Swerving in front of a motorised vehicle is a short cut to pain.

                                3. YOU ARE NOT INVINCIBLE.

                                In short, go and fuck yourself.

                                Yours hatefully,

                                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                                My DeviantArt.

