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  • Dear <coworker>,

    Don't you ever get tired of talking? You chatter constantly from the time you arrive at 8:00 am until you leave at 4:30. You don't talk about work, and you never have anything interesting to say. Nobody cares whether your cousin's daughter picked the blue strapless dress or the pink off-the-shoulder dress for the dance. And don't try to draw me into the conversation. I don't want to talk to you about horror movies. And don't presume to tell me what kind of movie I would like when you know nothing about my taste in movies. Just shut up for 10 lousy minutes.


    "I look at the stars. It's a clear night and the Milky Way seems so near. That's where I'll be going soon. "We are all star stuff." I suddenly remember Delenn's line from Joe's script. Not a bad prospect. I am not afraid. In the meantime, let me close my eyes and sense the beauty around me. And take that breath under the dark sky full of stars. Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all."
    -Mira Furlan


    • Dear Geek Squad Guy,

      You are cute. Too bad I'm married.

      Oh well.



      • Dear MotherRum,

        Just because I take Child Rum to Hooters, and Denny's, and let her stay at the ARC for 4.5 hours, does not mean I have to stop taking her there and to other places.

        She has strep throat.

        I doubt Hooters served a side of strep throat along with the chicken wings, or Denny's added it to the pancakes, or when she was at the movies, they added it to her popcorn.

        Please. Your logic has made me break my brain. It's the only brain I have. And now I have to use superglue or something to put it back together.

        No more logic from you MotherRum!

        Your Daughter,


        • Quoth idrinkarum View Post
          No more logic from you MotherRum!
          MotherRum needs to have her dain checked by her doctor. Obviously, her dain's bram has aged, and needs to be renude.
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


          • Dear Dalesys,

            I'm glad I wasn't drinking while reading what you just wrote.

            Yes, my mom has strange ideas. If it were up to her, Child Rum would only leave the house to go to school and then come back home. We can't take her out at all.



            • Dear Rummy,

              Here this might come in handy. *Hands a tube of brain glue* It's better than superglue.

              *wondering* Did mother Rum keep all her children at home forever when they got sick? if so how did anyone ever meet and create Child Rum? How horrible would the world be without the wondrous Child Rum? GRRRRRRRRRRRR to mother Rum !




              • Dear Shpepper,

                When I was growing up, the only time we ever ate out, was when we either went to the Officer's Club (when my mom's parents came to visit - Papo was a retired Air Force Officer) at Offutt Air Force Base, or when we'd go to either Lum's or Country Kitchen after church. Always on a Sunday. Otherwise, no eating out.

                I moved out of the house when I was 28. If I hadn't done that, I doubt Mr. Rum & I would have met and married. And then the world would be deprived of Child Rum (though with her meltdown last night, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have missed Child Rum, momentarily, - all her anger was directed at me - nothing like getting pelted with anything & everything Child Rum could get her hands on *le sigh* - yeah, not a pretty sight).

                Anyway, MotherRum thinks I should bubblewrap Child Rum before I let her out. Doesn't help that when she was 6 months old she got Respiratory syncytial virus or RSV and was in the P.I.C.U. for 2.5 weeks. It was touch & go & we possibly could have lost her forever.

                But we didn't. But MotherRum is still nervous. But I can't see hiding Child Rum forever in the house.

                Mebbe I'm wrong?



                • Dear Rummy

                  absolutely not! kids need exposure to the outside world so that they can develop a resistance to all the bugs out there. If your immune system gets no exercise, it'll never get strong, KWIM?

                  I was sent to the park across the road from where we lived everyday, and it didn't do me any harm at all

                  The report button - not just for decoration


                  • Dear TTO

                    Don't get me all excited about a MMPORG, promise that we'll play it together, and then spend the ENTIRE WEEKEND playing it with your friend!!!
                    Playing it with the same friend that you played LoTR Online, Age of Conan, HON, Dota and god knows what else MMPORGs with. Would it kill you to just have a game where we actually play as a couple? You know, kind of like Fallen Earth, but where we actually PLAY TOGETHER instead of playing the same game at the same time, but at different levels and at different parts of the map? WTF dude? I'm spending money on something I don't ordinarily spend it on!

                    The report button - not just for decoration


                    • Dear Rum
                      I totally Worked at the Offutt Officers club while in college.

                      Dear self
                      Please enjoy your weekend. You are going there as a break and to see your friends. yes you will miss the toddler. He will be just fine with your mother. Do not have any of your anxiety.
                      Your very looking forward to relaxing self.

                      Dear Omaha,

                      I will be there fore a couple days. treat me well.


                      Dear everyone,

                      Wedding is in 64 days. 64!

                      This is crazy.

                      My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                      • Dear Mono

                        Trust me, those days will literally WHIZZ by and you'll wake up and it'll be the day of the wedding, and you'll be all "WTF??!!"

                        Have fun - and please share piccies

                        The report button - not just for decoration


                        • Dear rads,

                          here is a start. (flickr pic of me in the dress)

                          My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


                          • Dear Mono

                            OMG OMG OMG you look soooooooooo gorgeous! I love the trim - and the detail is so pretty!!!!!

                            The report button - not just for decoration


                            • Dear Mono,

                              You are GORGEOUS!

                              That is all,



                              • Dear Laptop,

                                Why did you have to start acting up again? I had to take you back to the Geek Squad even though they replaced the hard drive for me!

                                Dear Plumber,

                                I know I'm not a scheduled person for today's duties, but could you please come over soon? Daughter is going to upset that she can't use her bathroom. And I definitely don't like the fact that there is a leak under my sink.

                                *le sigh*

